Milli Majlis Ratifies Agreement on TANAP

Milli Majlis Ratifies Agreement on TANAP
Τρι, 20 Νοεμβρίου 2012 - 12:12
The Azerbaijani parliament ratified two gas agreements on Tuesday. These are an intergovernmental agreement between Azerbaijan and Turkey on the sale, purchase, transit fares and transit of natural gas through Turkey, as well as an intergovernmental agreement regarding gas pipeline Trans Anadolu (TANAP).

The Azerbaijani parliament ratified two gas agreements on Tuesday.  These are an intergovernmental agreement between Azerbaijan and Turkey on the sale, purchase, transit fares and transit of natural gas through Turkey , as well as an intergovernmental agreement regarding gas pipeline Trans Anadolu (TANAP).

Speaking at a sitting in the Parliament, Deputy Speaker of Milli Majlis Valeh Alasgarov noted that Azerbaijan now has a modern infrastructure, which allows to transport energy resources to the world market, in particular, "today through seven pipes Azerbaijani oil and gas are exported to the world market”.

"However, with the increase of natural gas reserves, there appears a need to create new routes. One of them is TANAP. At present, SOCAR’s share in TANAP is 80%, and the remaining 20% is distributed between the Turkish BOTAS and TPAO. But later SOCAR may transfer part of its share to other companies for the purpose of prompt and effective implementation of the project ", he stressed.

At the same time, he said, the important aspect of the agreement is that SOCAR ‘s share in the project cannot be less than 51%.

"And that means that SOCAR will have a controlling stake in the project, which is important for Azerbaijan , as a gas producing country”, Alasgarov said.

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