OPEC Oil Shipments to Rise 40,000 B/D in 4 Weeks to Aug 3

OPEC Oil Shipments to Rise 40,000 B/D in 4 Weeks to Aug 3
Πεμ, 18 Ιουλίου 2013 - 18:41
Seaborne oil shipments from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries will rise by 40,000 barrels a day in the four weeks to Aug. 3, compared with the previous four-week period, U.K.-based tanker tracker Oil Movements said Thursday.
Seaborne oil shipments from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries will rise by 40,000 barrels a day in the four weeks to Aug. 3, compared with the previous four-week period, U.K.-based tanker tracker Oil Movements said Thursday.

Shipments from OPEC will average 24.16 million barrels a day in the four weeks to Aug. 3, the tracker said in its weekly report, adding that sailings from the
Middle East will account for the bulk of this increase.

The figure excludes exports from Angola and Ecuador.

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