Italian Energy ENI said it has been awarded three licenses by
Norway’s Ministry of Petroleum and Energy as part of the APA 2016 –
Awards in Pre-Defined Areas.
Following the award, ENI is now operator in PL900 in the Barents Sea,
with a share of 90% in joint venture with Concedo with 10%, the Italian
company said in a press release on January 18. In PL901 in the Barents
Sea, ENI is partner with 30% share, with Statoil as operator with 50%
share and Concedo with 20%.
Moreover, ENI is partner in PL128E with 11.5% shares with Statoil as
operator with 63.95% share and Petoro with 24.55%. The license is
adjoining the PL128/PL128D licenses where Statoil and ENI Norge have
recently announced the Cape Vulture oil and gas discovery.
On January 17, announced the new oil and gas discovery in the
licenses PL128/128D in the Norwegian Sea. Statoil is operator with
63.95% together with Petoro, which controls 24.55%, and ENI, which
controls 11.5%.
The discovery was made with the well 6608/10-17S drilled in 374
metres of water depth approximately 5 kilometres north of the Norne FPSO
(Floating Production, Storage and Offloading) unit in the northern part
of the Norwegian Sea, and approximately 170 kilometres from the coast.
The well encountered 28 metres of oil and gas in two levels with good
reservoir properties in the Cretaceous sandstones of the Cape Vulture
Preliminary estimates of the size of the discovery are between 20 and
85 million barrels (3 – 13 million standard cubic metres, Sm3) of
recoverable reserves (between 70 and 200 million barrels of oil in
place), with a further additional potential to be evaluated.
The well will be permanently plugged and abandoned after an extensive data collection and sampling.
ENI has been present in Norway since 1965, with current production
standing at approximately 180,000 barrels of oil equivelent per day
through its subsidiary Eni Norge AS.