Russian Co Wins Tender To Build Turkmenistan Gas Pipe Section

Russian Co Wins Tender To Build Turkmenistan Gas Pipe Section
Τρι, 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2008 - 03:08
Turkmenistan has awarded Russian contractor OAO Stroytransgaz the contract for building the local section of a major natural gas pipeline, the official newspaper Neitralny Turkmenistan reported Tuesday.
Turkmenistan has awarded Russian contractor OAO Stroytransgaz the contract for building the local section of a major natural gas pipeline, the official newspaper Neitralny Turkmenistan reported Tuesday.

The report didn't state the value of the contract for the 188 kilometer section leading from the Malai gas filed in the east of the country to the border with Uzbekistan.

The entire 1,820 kilometer pipeline is to cross Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan before connecting with another pipeline in northwest China.

The pipeline, with a planned annual capacity of 30 billion cubic meters, is a major move by Turkmenistan to expand and diversify its gas business. Currently, most Turkmen gas exports through pipelines crossing Russia, mostly in transit to other countries including many in Western Europe. Turkmenistan also exports gas to Iran.

Turkmenistan has the second-largest natural gas reserves in the former Soviet Union after Russia, estimated at some 2 trillion cubic meters at least.

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