IENE’s 3rd Energy Week to Focus on the Major Energy Challenges in the New Economic Environment

IENE’s 3rd Energy Week to Focus on the Major Energy Challenges in the New Economic Environment
Πεμ, 29 Οκτωβρίου 2009 - 11:46
ΙΕΝΕ has invited a variety of international experts, business leaders and senior government officials to participate in the events of its 3d Energy Week which it is organizing in Athens from November 9 to November 13th. The speakers will cover an extended area of policy issues focusing on energy, climate change, the development of environmental business opportunities and Greece’s international energy relations.

ΙΕΝΕ has invited a variety of international experts, business leaders and senior government officials to participate in the events of its 3d Energy Week which it is organizing in Athens from November 9 to November 13th. The speakers will cover an extended area of policy issues focusing on energy, climate change, the development of environmental business opportunities and Greece’s international energy relations. The most prominent invitees include Dr. Tina Birbili, Minister for Environment, Energy and Climate Change (MENECC), who will be the Keynote Speaker at the annual “Energy & Development” conference. Professor Yiannis Maniatis, Deputy MENECC for Energy, Mr. Thanos Moraitis Deputy MENECC for the Environment, and Professor Dimitris Lalas, Greece’s National Representative to the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change.

The 3d Energy Week will be launched in the “Yiannis Kranidiotis” Auditorium of the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs where on the morning of November 9th IENE will organize a one-day event on “Energy & Foreign Policy”. The event will analyze Greece’s foreign energy policy as well as recent energy security developments in Southeastern Europe. Deputy Foreign Minister Spyros Kouvelis will open the seminar as the senior Keynote Speaker. Other expert speakers include Mr. Alexander Berezikov, former VP of TNK-BP and Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council, Russian Gas Society, Mr. Panayiotis Gennimatas, President of AGP Energy & fr. Vice President of the European Investment Bank, Mr. Peter Poptchev, Bulgaria's ambassador-at-large for energy security and climate change, Dr. Andreas Andrianopoulos (Director of the Institute for Diplomacy and International Relations of the American College of Greece), Professor Ioannis Mazis, Director of the Laboratory of Geopolitical Analyses (Geolab) at Ionian University, and Dr. Michael Myrianthis, Director for International Relations at Hellenic Petroleum.

On the 10th and 11th of November IENE will hold at the Eugeneidion Foundation the 14th National Energy Conference “Energy & Development 2009” which will focus on the “Energy Challenges in the New Economic Environment”. Particular emphasis will be given on issues of energy development and climate change, new energy technologies, and investments in the emerging energy markets of the Southeastern Europe. The conference’s proceedings will be opened on IENE’s by Dr. John Desypris, IENE’s Chairman and Mr. Costis Stambolis the Institute's Executive Director.

In this seminally important annual event, energy observers anticipate with great interest the presentations of internationally acclaimed experts, government officials, and business leaders such as Jean - Arnold Vinois, Head Energy Policy & Security of Supply Unit, DG TREN, European Commission, Mr.Jeremy Ellis, Head of Business Development ,RWE Supply & Trading, Mr. Marco Baroni, Senior Analyst at the Economic Analysis Division of the International Energy Agency, Dr. Leo Drollas, Chief Economist and Deputy Executive Director of the London-based Centre for Global Energy Studies (CGES), and Professor Pantelis Kapros, Director of the Ε3ΜLab at the National Technical University of Athens and Chairman of IENE’s Scientific Committee.

Other invited speakers include Dr. Rafael Moissis, Chairman of the National Energy Strategy Council of Greece (SEES), Mr. Solon Kassinis, Director of the Energy Department at the Cypriot Ministry for Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Mr. Antonis Livanios, President of the IGI-Poseidon JVC, Dr. Panayiotis Papastamatiou, the Vice President of ELEATEN, the Greek Wind Energy Association, as well as Dr. Panayioties Chaviaropoulos, the Director for RES Development at the Greek Center for Renewables Energy Sources (CRES), Dr. Kyriakos Rossis, Head of CRES' Wind Energy Division and Dr. Theodore Tsakiris, IENE’s Research Programmes Coordinator and Head of the Policy Making Unit at the Special Secretariat for International Energy Policy in the former Greek Ministry of Development.

Senior representatives of the domestic energy industry have also been invited to participate including inter alia the President of SYNERGY S.A. Dr. Efstratios Kalogyrou, the Director for Research & Development of HELECTOR S.A., Mr. John Boukis, as well as Mr. Aris Tsikouras, Principal of the McKinsey & Co office in Athens and Mr. Nikolaos Kolyvodiakos, General Director for Energy at Siemens Hellas S.A.

IENE will also organise for the first time on November 12th a special one-day event focusing on “Business to Business» (B2B) interaction on the fields of Renewable Energy Resources and Technologies that will provide to industry leaders, government officials, academics and financiers the opportunity to network, discuss and present their business initiatives and research programmes. The 3d Energy Week will close on November 13th with an event focused on the implementation of energy efficiency technologies in the building/construction sector. This last event is co-organized between IENE and the Technical Chamber of Greece.

For more information and the programmes of the various events you can visit our website at and/or contact IENE’s Secretariat at : +30 210 3628457, +30 210 3640278, +30 210 3624245, e-mail: [email protected] .

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