Somali Pirates Release Greek Tanker

Somali Pirates Release Greek Tanker
Δευ, 18 Ιανουαρίου 2010 - 12:43
NAIROBI, Kenya -- Somali pirates released a Greek supertanker and its crew of 28 on Monday after a rival pirate group attacked the pirates onboard in an unsuccessful attempt to steal the ransom, the spokesman for the European Union's antipiracy force said.

NAIROBI, Kenya -- Somali pirates released a Greek supertanker and its crew of 28 on Monday after a rival pirate group attacked the pirates onboard in an unsuccessful attempt to steal the ransom, the spokesman for the European Union's antipiracy force said.

Cmdr. John Harbour said pirates left the Greek-flagged Maran Centaurus Monday morning. He said a group of rival pirates had attacked the ship just before the ransom was being delivered, prompting the pirates onboard the tanker to call for assistance from the antipiracy force.

Cmdr. Harbour said the EU naval force didn't intervene but declined to give details on the actions of other warships in the area. The naval force is monitoring the ship as it leaves Somali waters, he said.

A Somali middleman, who helped negotiate the release of the ship, said pirates collected $5.5 million Sunday afternoon and left the ship Monday morning. The figure couldn't immediately be confirmed.

The middleman said pirates in two speedboats attacked the ship Sunday just before the ransom was due to be delivered but after a brief shootout, two helicopters from a warship intervened. The middleman, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he feared reprisals, said the two helicopters didn't fire at any of the pirates, but only hovered over them, successfully scaring off the attacking group.

The Maran Centaurus was hijacked Nov. 29 about 800 miles off the Somali coast. It was carrying about two million barrels of crude oil from Saudi Arabia destined for the United States, estimated to be worth roughly $150 million at the time of the attack.

A Greek coast guard spokeswoman said the tanker had left Somalia escorted by a Greek frigate and was heading to the South African port of Durban. She said all crew members were in good health and that the ship was expected to reach Durban in a week. The spokeswoman spoke on condition of anonymity in line with Greek government regulations.

The ship, only the second oil tanker captured by Somali pirates, had nine Greeks, 16 Filipinos, 2 Ukrainians, and a Romanian aboard. Its seizure resurrected fears of an environmental or safety disaster first raised by the capture of the Saudi-owned Sirius Star. That hijacking was resolved in January last year with a $3 million ransom payment. It was carrying two million barrels of oil valued at about $100 million at the time.

The International Maritime Bureau said last week that sea attacks world-wide surged 39% to 406 cases, the highest in six years, with raids on vessels by Somali pirates accounting for more than half of the attacks.

It said that Somali pirates were responsible for 217 of the global attacks and had seized 47 vessels. This was nearly double the 111 attacks Somali pirates launched in 2008, of which 42 were successful hijackings.

The impoverished Horn of Africa nation hasn't had a functioning government for 19 years and the weak United Nations-backed administration is too busy fighting the Islamist insurgency to arrest pirates. Across the Gulf of Aden, tensions between north and south Yemen continue to rise and Islamic militancy is increasing.

Pirates now hold about a dozen vessels hostage and more than 200 crew members.

(from the Wall Street Journal)

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