EU Commission's Energy and Climate Change Work Programme 2010 and Intentions 2011

EU Commissions Energy and Climate Change Work Programme 2010 and Intentions 2011
Τρι, 6 Απριλίου 2010 - 13:48
The European Commission today announced its work programme for 2010, with further information regarding its intentions for 2011. It is evident that energy and climate change remains two of the Commission's very highest priorities for the coming years, and that there will be many new concrete proposals and new initiatives.

The European Commission today announced its work programme for 2010, with further information regarding its intentions for 2011. It is evident that energy and climate change remains two of the Commission's very highest priorities for the coming years, and that there will be many new concrete proposals and new initiatives.

A. Energy

Firstly, it is worth noting that at the European Council on 26/27 March, the Heads of State identified energy as one of the EU's priorities over the coming years, and that it would be a central part of the Europe 2020 initiative. The European Council explicitly concluded that "In early 2011 it will discuss energy policy, including how it can best support the shift towards an efficient low-carbon economy and security of supply".

The Commission's new work programme reflects this priority, and commits to an important number of proposals to prepare for the Council and beyond.

1. First of all, the Commission includes as a Strategic Initiative, to be completed by the end of 2010, an "Energy Infrastructure Package", which will incorporate:

· a Communication on Energy Infrastructure Development and financing for the 2020/30 horizon,

· a Commission staff working paper on energy infrastructure,

· a Communication on the preparation of a blue print for offshore grids in the Northern Seas of Europe, and

· a Report on the state of play of smart grids.

The Communication will focus on investment needs, based on supply and demand scenarios, the 10-year network plans of the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO) and on priorities for infrastructure development and funding.

Furthermore, it will look at measures aiming at diversifying gas supply sources and routes as well as at future infrastructure needs, e.g. for oil or CO2.

The staff working paper will evaluate the six-priority infrastructure actions announced in the 2nd Strategic Energy Review, including Mediterranean gas and electricity interconnection. The Communication on offshore grids will present a vision for 2020 and 2030 as well as identify key regulatory issues to address in order to enable more integrated grid solutions to be developed in the longer term. The report on smart grids will present developments in this field leading to a possible legislative proposal in 2011.

In addition, in 2010 and 2011, the Commission announces the following initiatives:

2. Proposal on transparency and integrity of wholesale market trading, which will address the transparency and integrity of European traded energy markets, establishing "proper market conduct rules and a regulatory framework for monitoring and surveillance of these markets", covering at minimum electricity and gas and potentially carbon trading.

3. A revised Energy Efficiency Action Plan, which will identify the key measures to achieve the 20% by 2020 target accepted by the Member States, most notably in the building, utility and transport sectors. It may be accompanied where appropriate by legislative proposals, e.g. a possible recast of the energy services directive. In addition, the Commission announces its intention to work on a revision of the energy taxation directive in order to tax energy products on their energy content and their carbon emission level.

4. Energy Action Plan 2011-2020, in which the Commission will provide a "holistic strategy document" laying out the priority action points for 2011-2020, followed by a Roadmap for low carbon energy system by 2050. The latter communication will identify the required steps to attain the ambition of a low carbon energy system by 2050. It will be preceded by an interim document which will frame the issues at stake.

5. Communication on Regional Initiatives, which has the objective of guiding Member States, Regulators and stakeholders on the Regional Initiatives. It will propose how to further achieve progress within the Regional Initiatives, as a stepping stone towards the internal energy market and make proposals as to the best practices of the Regional Initiatives.

6. Legislative proposal for a regulatory framework on smart grids, which will address the various issues linked with the establishment of smart grids, incl. data protection, electric vehicles and open access to the grids

7. Communication on implementing the biofuel sustainability scheme, which will guide Member States and economic operators on how to implement the sustainability criteria. It will also endorse 'voluntary schemes' and update/add 'default values' related to the sustainability scheme.

8. Proposal revising the nuclear waste directive, which will establish a common European framework aiming at achieving and maintaining a high level of safe management of radioactive waste and spent fuel throughout the Union. Update of the Nuclear Illustrative Programme (PINC), reviewing the latest situation regarding MS policies, nuclear investment decisions and requirements, and discussing capacity issues and the contribution of nuclear for decarbonising electricity generation and the energy mix. Communication on nuclear medicine and radioisotopes, which will address medical use of ionizing radiation and the available EU and international instruments.

B. Climate change

In terms of the climate change agenda, the Commission proposes a number of measures including:

- Possible Commission initiative to step up beyond 20% (20 to 30%) reduction in greenhouse gases, with a possible initiative to reach emission reduction target beyond 20%.

- Communication on a roadmap for low-carbon economy by 2050, also with a view to determining the necessary scenarios for 2030. This will develop an analysis of milestones on the pathway to 2050, including the necessary scenarios of the ambition level for 2030 reflecting the contributions from key emitting sectors.

- Communication on the analysis of practical policies required to implement a 30% EU emission reduction and assessment of situation of Energy Intensive Industries, with the aim of carrying out an analysis of the measures needed to step beyond 20% emission reduction by 2020, in view of decarbonisation objectives for 2050. This is intended to include an assessment of the situation of energy intensive industries at risk of carbon leakage.

- Communication on Mainstreaming Climate Adaptation and Mitigation in EU policies and climate proofing of financial instruments, including a strategy and concrete actions to mainstream climate adaptation and mitigation in other EU policies and financial instruments. This includes in particular climate proofing of policies such as agriculture and rural development, industry and services, energy, transport, research and innovation, health, water, marine and fisheries, ecosystems and biodiversity.

For more details and the text of the work programme please click here.

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