Italy's Eni Blocking South Stream Progress - Gazprom

Italys Eni Blocking South Stream Progress - Gazprom
Δευ, 12 Απριλίου 2010 - 19:27
Italian energy giant Eni SpA (E), Russia's partner in its planned South Stream gas pipeline, is blocking the project's development, a top official with Russian gas company OAO Gazprom (GAZP.RS) said Friday.
Italian energy giant Eni SpA (E), Russia 's partner in its planned South Stream gas pipeline, is blocking the project's development, a top official with Russian gas company OAO Gazprom (GAZP.RS) said Friday.

"In my opinion, there's been no progress on South Stream due to the absence of adequate work by our Italian partners," Stanislav Tsygankov, the head of Gazprom's external relations department, was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying.

"They have not taken a single constructive step. There is no material proof that they are working. I am not even talking about the payments on their end. We are paying for everything so far."

However, Gazprom spokesman's denied any conflict in the companies' work on South Stream, which plans to carry Russian gas under the
Black Sea and into the Balkans to create a new energy route to Europe bypassing Ukraine .

"Gazprom does not see any major difference of opinion in its co-operation with Eni and realization of South Stream," spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov told Interfax.

Russia rejected an Eni proposal this year to merge the South Stream pipeline with the rival European Union-led Nabucco plan, after its key partner said the competing projects could join forces.

The EU-backed Nabucco pipeline aims to carry gas from the
Caspian Sea region to Europe and is seen as a way of reducing European reliance on Russian gas.

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