PPC Consolidated 1H 2010 Financial Results

PPC Consolidated 1H 2010 Financial Results
Πεμ, 26 Αυγούστου 2010 - 16:43
EBT in 1H 2010 amounted to € 463.6 m, compared to € 636.3 m in 1H 2009, a decrease of € 172.7 m (-27.1%), while net income amounted to € 347.9 m, versus € 475.2 m respectively, a reduction of € 127.3 m (-26.8%).

EBT in 1H 2010 amounted to € 463.6 m, compared to € 636.3 m in 1H 2009,

a decrease of € 172.7 m (-27.1%), while net income amounted to € 347.9 m,

versus € 475.2 m respectively, a reduction of € 127.3 m (-26.8%).

Turnover reached € 2,894.5 m versus € 2,990.3 m in 1H 2009, a reduction of

€ 95.8 m (- 3.2%). From the implementation of IFRIC 18, PPC recognized

in the 1H 2010 turnover, additional revenues of € 101.3 m representing

network users’ contributions for connections to the network. For comparison

reasons, the respective magnitude in 2009 was € 79.4 m.

Electricity sales in the domestic retail market decreased by 842 GWh

(-3.3%), while the corresponding revenues declined by 4.9%.

In 1H 2010, PPC’s electricity generation including electricity imports,

covered 78% of total demand, while, the corresponding percentage in 1H

2009 was 85.8%, a reduction of 2,950 GWh. The respective percentage in

the Interconnected System, being the market segment mainly open to

competition is 77% versus 85.4% the previous year.

 Τ hird parties thermal generation increased by 1,145 GWh, from 359 GWh in

1H 2009 to 1,504 GWh in 1H 2010 an increase of 419%. At the end of 1H

2010, were added 435 MW of an independent power producer.

Third party electricity imports increased by 35.1% from 2,292 GWh in 1H

2009, to 3,097 GWh in 1H 2010.

Concerning RES generation, PPC RENEWABLES generated in 1H 2010

133 GWh compared to 109 GWh in 1H 2009, an increase of 24 GWh

(+22%). RES generation from third parties amounted to 1,831 GWh in 1H

2010, compared to 1,610 GWh in 1H 2009, an increase of 221 GWh

(+13.7%). Pre tax profits of PPC RENEWABLES amounted to € 5.8m

versus € 2.5 m in 1H 2009.

Electricity generation from lignite, decreased by 1,961 GWh versus 1H 2009,

while the percentage participation of lignite in the total energy mix of PPC,

decreased to 47.2% from 52% last year.

In 1H 2010, 30.4% of the Company’s total revenues were expensed for

liquid fuel, natural gas, energy purchases and CO2 emission rights, marking

an increase compared to the corresponding 1H 2009 figure, which stood at


The expenditure for liquid fuel, natural gas and energy purchases increased

by € 67.2 m, an increase of 8.7% compared to the corresponding period of

last year.


Following the implementation of Laws 3833/2010 and 3845/2010, total

payroll reduction, including capitalized payroll in 1H 2010 is estimated at

€ 85-90 m. The EGM of 26 April 2010 , decided to extend an extraordinary

one off financial assistance to PPC’s Personnel Insurance Organizations, of

an amount up to the payroll reduction provided for in Article 1 of Law

3833/2010. Consequently, an estimated amount of € 52.1 m has been

charged to 1H 2010 financial results, while based on certain assumptions

concerning the number and categories of hirings and retirements as well as

overtime, shift work etc, it is estimated that a corresponding amount will

impact 2H 2010 results.

With the onset in 2Q 2010 of the hirings provided for in the relevant

Procedure (1/2007), 330 employees were hired in 1H 2010. Ο n the other

hand, 956 employees retired in 1H 2010 resulting in a reduction of 626

payrolls compared to 31.12.2009. With respect to 30.6.2009, the number of

payrolls decreased by 1,252 employees.

Due to the suspension of the Fuel Clause Mechanism as of August 1, 2010,

the 3Q and 4Q 2010 impact is estimated, according to the current level of

fuel prices, at € 50m approximately.

 ΕΒΙΤ DΑ amounted to € 821.1 m in 1H 2010 compared to € 978.3 m in 1H

2009, reduced by € 157.2 m (-16.1%). ΕΒΙΤ DΑ margin reached 28.4 %,

compared to 32.7 % in 1H 2009.

Operational cash flow decreased by € 115 m, compared to the corresponding

figure in 1H 2009.

Commenting on the financial results of the period, Arthouros Zervos, Public Power

Corporation's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said:

«Despite the decline in EBITDA by 16.1% compared to the corresponding period

of last year, profitability in the 1st half of 2010 was at satisfactory levels with the

EBITDA margin reaching 28.4% and net income amounting to €347.9 million. The

reduction in the 1H 2010 profitability is attributed to the reduction in the revenues

from energy sales, due to the loss of market share and lower demand, as well as in

the increase in the cost of the energy balance due to higher quantities of energy

purchases and the significant increase of fuel prices, which were not fully offset by

the decline in demand.

PPC’s profitability in 2010 contributes to the realization of significant investments

throughout Greece , estimated at € 1.3 billion for the whole year which support the

general economic development. At the same time, PPC contributes to the national

effort for fiscal consolidation having secured direct revenues for the Greek State of €

118 million through dividend and € 203 million through income tax.

The profitability generated by PPC in 2010 is not attributed to tariff increases (the last tariff increase was implemented in July 2008).

On the contrary, the fact that distortions in the tariff structure continue to exist until

today, despite PPC’s repeated proposals for the lifting of these distortions, resulted

in the intensifying loss of market share in the high margin customer segments.

Specifically, whereas, according to our estimates, in the 1st quarter of this year

electricity sales by competition were 246 GWh, this magnitude in the 2nd quarter

is estimated at 414 GWh and this trend is intensifying in July.

Consequently, it is not correct to focus on the total retail market share of PPC which,

from 99.8% in the 1st half of 2009 seems to decline by only 2.4 percentage points to

97.4% in the 1st half of 2010. Since competition, as expected, is active only in

attracting customers with high profit margins by offering discounts which, until

today, PPC is not allowed to offer, the comparison should be made only on the

specific share. Thus, while in the 1st half of 2009 PPC’s share in this segment is

estimated at 99.3%, in 2010 this share is estimated to have declined by 7.8

percentage points to 91.5%. The respective percentage in the Interconnected System,

which is the market segment exposed to competition, is estimated at 90.4%

compared to 99.2% last year, a reduction of almost 9 percentage points.

Ο n the other hand, in 1H 2010, PPC’s electricity generation including electricity

imports, covered 78% of total demand, while, the corresponding percentage in 1H

2009 was 85.8%.The respective percentage in the Interconnected System, being the

market segment mainly open to competition is 77% versus 85.4% the previous year.

With respect to the full year prospects, taking into account the trends in demand and

PPC sales as well as the estimated energy balance and payroll costs, based on

7month data, full year pre tax profits are expected to be close to the budgeted levels.

With respect to the updating of the Group’s Strategic and Business Plan, it will be

completed after the announcement by the State of its plans in relation to the

liberalization of the energy market in the framework of the Memorandum of

Understanding .

Finally, as I have already stated, environmental policy constitutes one of our key

priorities. In this framework, we proceeded with our plan of decommissioning old

and polluting units, by withdrawing Unit I of Ptolemaida, which was put into

operation in 1959. At the same time, we are going ahead with our investment

programme for upgrading our generation fleet and network infrastructure as well as

with respect to the development of renewable energy sources, also through the

evaluation of new partnerships



Revenues from electricity sales, including exports, decreased by € 135.4 m (-4.9%),

from € 2,742.9 m in 1H 2009, to € 2,607.5 m, as a result of the decrease in the

volume of sales by 3.3% (860 GWh), mainly due to the estimated loss of 7.8

percentage points of market share in the categories of high profit margin customers and the decrease in total electricity demand by 2.6%. This trend has intensified in

July. The reduction in the volume of sales is analysed as follows:

> The reduction of sales to the industrial sector by 0.8 %.

> The reduction of residential sales 2.3 %.

> The reduction of sales to the commercial sector by 8.2 %.

> The reduction of sales to other uses by 3.8 %.


Despite the decrease in payroll expenses between 1H 2010 and 1H 2009 by € 76.5

m, operating expenses, excluding depreciation, increased by € 61.4 m (+3.1 %),

from € 2,012 m in 1H 2009 to € 2,073.4 m, mainly due to the increase in the

expenditure for fuel and energy purchases and to the contribution of € 52.1 m to

PPC S.A. Personnel Insurance Funds.


The combination of the decrease in power generation from natural gas by

579 GWh, with the increase in natural gas prices by 10.9 % resulted in an

increase in the relevant expenditure by € 4.6 m (+ 2%), from € 227.8 m in

1H 2009 to € 232.4 m in 1H 2010.

Electricity generation from liquid fuels reduced by 1,326 GWh (-36.4%)

compared to 1H 2009, while the partial substitution of diesel generation by

heavy fuel oil continued on the islands. On the other hand, heavy fuel oil

and diesel oil prices increased by 57.4% and 38.9%. The expenditure for

liquid fuel increased between the two periods by € 5.8 m (+2.1%) from €

271.7 m in 1H 2009 to € 277.5 m. The expenditure would have been

reduced by € 6.1 m compared to the corresponding period of 2009, if the

Special Consumption Tax for diesel had not been increased (an impact of €

11.9 m on the financial results).

Despite the decrease in PPC import prices by 27.2% and the decrease of

PPC imports by 342 GWh (-25.4%), the purchase of greater quantities of

energy from the System and the Network by 1,744 GWh (+56.3%) as well

as the increase of the System Marginal Price by 3.5% resulted in the

increase in the expenditure for energy purchases by € 56.8 m (+20.7%)

from € 273.9 m in 1H 2009 to € 330.7 m.

The decrease in C02 emissions rights deficit led to a reduction of € 24.7 m

in the relevant expenditure in the 1H 2010 compared to 1H 2009 from € 39

m to € 14.3 m.

Payroll expense between the respective 6M periods of 2009 and 2010, was

reduced by € 76.5 m, mainly as a result of the implementation of Laws

3833/2010 and 3845/2010 and personnel retirements. These factors greatly

offset the impact of the carry over of payroll increases in 2H 2009 and

personnel hirings in 1H 2010.


Provisions for bad debt, litigation and slow moving materials reached € 61.3

m, an increase of € 28.5 m (+86.9%) compared to 1H 2009, an increase

attributed by € 23,7 m to increased provisions for bad debt.

Depreciation expense in 1H 2010 amounted to € 291.6 m compared to €

262.1 m in 1H 2009, an increase of € 29.5 m (+11.3%). In 2009, the Group

assigned an independent firm for the appraisal of its property, plant and

equipment at December 31, 2009 fair values. The results of the appraisal

have been recorded in the financial statements of December 31, 2009 . The

new appraised values are depreciated from January 1, 2010 .

The share of profit in associated companies amounted to € 1 m in 1H 2010

and is the result of profit from PPC RENEWABLES' participation in its

associated companies, while the respective magnitude in 1H 2009 was € 0.6


Net financial expenses decreased by € 20.1 m (-24.8%), from € 81.2 m in 1H

2009, to € 61.1 m, mainly due to the decrease of reference interest rates and

a lower level of net debt.

Capital expenditure amounted to € 489.6 m compared to € 489.8 m in 1H

2009. Specifically, the composition of 1H 2010 capital expenditure, was the


> Capital expenditure for mines: € 52.6 m.

>Capital expenditure for generation projects: €144.2 m.

>Capital expenditure for transmission projects: € 42.9 m.

>Capital expenditure for distribution projects: € 242.6 m.

>Other capital expenditure: € 7.3 m.

Net debt amounted to € 3,954 m, a decrease of € 102.3 m compared to

31/12/2009 (€ 4,056.3 m) and a decrease of € 293.6 m, compared to

30/06/2009 (€ 4,247.6 m).


Turnover: € 2,885.6 m.

EBITDA : € 814.2 m.

EBT : € 455 m.

 Net income : € 340.6 m.

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