Historic deal to Save Nature Reached in Nagoya

Historic deal to Save Nature Reached in Nagoya
Δευ, 1 Νοεμβρίου 2010 - 14:51
Environment ministers from almost 200 countries on Friday (29 October) adopted historic targets to half the loss of natural habitats and dramatically increase nature reserves to 17 percent of the world’s land area by 2020 from less than 10 percent today.
Environment ministers from almost 200 countries on Friday (29 October) adopted historic targets to half the loss of natural habitats and dramatically increase nature reserves to 17 percent of the world’s land area by 2020 from less than 10 percent today.

By endorsing the United Nation’s strategy,the ministers pledged to draw up national biodiversity plans within two years. The voluntary actions are designed to stop over-fishing, reduce pollution, protect coal reefs and halt the loss of genetic diversity in the agricultural ecosystem.

Countries also agreed to establish a target for considering as protected areas 17 per cent of terrestrial and inland water areas and 10 per cent of marine and coastal areas.

A resource mobilisation strategy was adopted, providing for a substantial increase to current levels of development assistance in support of biodiversity.

Also, a new protocol was adopted on sharing the benefits from the use of genetic resources of the planet, involving both governments and companies. As a result, billions of dollars could be unlocked to help developing countries, where most of the world's natural riches remain.

The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimates that global deforestation fell from 16 million hectares (40 million acres) per year in the 1990s to 13 million hectares per year in the past decade, with the bulk of the losses in tropical countries.

"We are biting the hand that feeds us if we do not halt the loss of animal and plant species",said delegation leader Jo Leinen (S&D, DE), adding that "equally important as fighting climate change is making sure that stable ecosystems will also exist in future. Biodiversity is not only about protecting tigers, pandas or natural parks but about the livelihood of future generations".

The Prime Minister of Japan Naoto Kan, offered $2 billion in financing, and some $110 million were mobilized to support projects under the CBD Life Web Initiative aimed at enhancing the protected-are agenda.

‘’We were disappointed that most rich countries came to Nagoya with empty pockets”said Jim Leape, director general of WWF International.

The goal of the treaty -- known as the “Aichi Target” after the area around Nagoya, Japan, where the summit was held -- is to create a framework to manage the world’s genetic resources and share the financial benefits with developing nations.

The dramatic loss of biodiversity has been a subject of debate for almost two decades, complicated by powerful interests in trade, science, health and traditions. And the protocol still must be ratified by signatory nations.

Several delegates, including from Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba, expressed concerns about the safeguarding of benefits for developing nations, but said they would not go against the consensus.

And there may still be resistance from other industries.

''Now, it needs to be ensured that also American companies from thepharma and cosmetics sector will follow the (protocol) in order to provide a level playing field in the global market," said Jo Leinen, chairman of theenvironmental committee of the European Parliament and head of the EP's Nagoya delegation. ''The funding for the Nagoya Action Programme therefore must not only come from public budgets but also from private sources.''

The Nagoya meeting, which skirted the friction and divisions of last year's climate talks in Copenhagen, was meant to pave the way for major climate talks in Mexico later this month.

The United States has not ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity and took place at the Nagoya conference in an observer capacity.

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