Nabucco Has Made Progress in Negotiating Supplies, Mapping Pipeline Route

Nabucco Has Made Progress in Negotiating Supplies, Mapping Pipeline Route
Τρι, 16 Νοεμβρίου 2010 - 16:53
The Nabucco project for a pipeline connecting the gas-rich Caspian region and the European consumer markets has made a step forward after the completion of consultations with the local administrations of the nine Bulgarian regions which the route of the pipeline will cross, the mediapool e-zine said on November 13.

The Nabucco project for a pipeline connecting the gas-rich Caspian region and the European consumer markets has made a step forward after the completion of consultations with the local administrations of the nine Bulgarian regions which the route of the pipeline will cross, the mediapool e-zine said on November 13.

Referring to a press release of Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH, the site said that the first part of the public discussions of the project, as well as its environmental and socio-economic assessment had been completed and that the project is supported in full by all local administrations.

"We are starting meetings with the owners of the land across which the pipeline will pass in Bulgaria, as well as with NGOs to familiarize them with the measures taken to conserve the environment and with the time schedule of construction works in Bulgaria," Reinhard Mitschek, Managing Director of Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH, told mediapool.

Participating in the Nabucco consortium with equal shares are Bulgarian Energy Holding (Bulgaria), Botas (Turkey), MOL (Hungary), OMV (Austria), RWE (Germany) and Transgaz (Romania). "Compared with the other Southern Corridor projects, Nabucco is at the most advanced stage," Mitschek said.

Earlier this week, the RWE representative, Stephan Judich was quoted by German media as saying that the rival project, South Stream, was under question as it lacked supply, financing and even route concepts.

Nabucco offers 60 per cent of the pipeline capacity to other suppliers thus complying with the European Commission's requirement to make the pipeline accessible to third parties, Mitschek said.

The members of the consortium are expected to complete their negotiations on the amounts of gas supplies in the first half

of 2011. The final decision on investing in the project will be made after conclusion of the commercial contracts. The construction should start in 2012, and the first amount of gas from Turkey to Europe should be transited in 2015.

Agreements in support of the project are to be signed by the consortium and the governments of the countries which the pipeline will cross. The negotiations with Bulgaria have been finalized. The agreements are expected to be signed before Christmas.

Bulgarian companies willing to take part in the project's construction in Bulgarian territory will not enjoy any privileges. In Mitschek's words, open tenders will be held to choose contractors and suppliers of materials on a competitive basis.

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