IENE’s Roadshows for the Promotion of the «South East Europe Energy Outlook» Study Commenced With Sofia Presentation

IENE’s Roadshows for the Promotion of the «South East Europe Energy Outlook» Study Commenced With Sofia Presentation
Τρι, 21 Ιουνίου 2011 - 15:30
In a special event which was organised yesterday (20/06) in Sofia, Bulgaria, by the Institute of Energy for South East Europe (IENE), the major reference study conducted by the Institute, “The South East Europe Energy Outlook” , was presented to a selected audience of policy makers and energy professionals.

In a special event which was organised yesterday (20/06) in Sofia, Bulgaria, by the Institute of Energy for South East Europe (IENE), the major reference study conducted by the Institute, “The South East Europe Energy Outlook, was presented to a selected audience of policy makers and energy professionals. The presentation focused on key areas of the study including the investment prospects of the energy sector in the SE European region. Senior government officials, business executives, energy experts, representatives of foreign embassies, as well as IENE members and associates and contributors to the “South East Europe Energy Outlook” study were present in this special IENE event.

The event began with a welcome message by IENE’s Chairman, Dr. John Desypris, and was followed by a short presentation on IENE, its goals, objectives and organisation by Mr. Nicholas Sofianos, European Programmes Coordinator. IENE’s Deputy Chairman and Executive Director, Mr. Costis Stambolis, who co-ordinated the project and edited the study, then presented this latest publication by the Institute.

According to the “Outlook” study, the value of energy investments in the region by 2020 is foreseen to exceed 240 billion euros. More specifically, 90 billion euros will be invested in electricity (i.e. new power generation units, electricity grids, coal and lignite mines, RES), as SE Europe will need an additional 130-140 GW of installed capacity. Additionally, the investments in RES (including energy efficiency) are foreseen to add up to 48 billion euros, while more funds in the region of 15 billion will be spend on Energy Efficiency.

The main conclusion of the study is that the prospects for energy investments in the whole SE region, are overwhelmingly positive for the coming decade, especially as far as the major countries are concerned (i.e. Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania).

Apart from electricity, there are significant opportunities in all other energy branches in the SE European countries:

- In natural gas investments in new pipelines, LNG and liquefaction terminals are predicted to reach 25 billion euros. These investments are to take place mainly in Cyprus and Romania , following the recent discovery of large natural gas offshore deposits. Further investments in the gas sector are also anticipated in Western Balkans, Croatia and Bulgaria , where old infrastructure is being replaced and upgraded.

- The pipeline projects for the transmission of natural gas from Central Asia and the Caspian to Europe are of major geopolitical importance for the region. The respective investments are estimated to reach 20 billion euros.

- The investments in hydrocarbon exploration are predicted to amount up to 35 billion euros until 2020 and several projects are already underway in Turkey , Romania , Bulgaria , Croatia , Cyprus and Greece .

- Investments in refining are expected to come up to 23 billion euros until 2020.

The “SE Europe Energy Outlook” presentation was followed by a video documentary on IENE’s “SE Europe Energy Dialogue” event which this year took place in Thessaloniki early in June. The annual Energy Dialogue has played a significant role in developing a broader awareness of the region’s key energy challenges. IENE’s presentation event in Sofia was concluded with a wide-ranging panel discussion, chaired by Dr. Lulin Radulov, Director of the Black Sea Energy Centre. Members of the panel included some of Bulgaria ’s top energy experts: Dr. Lulin Radulov, Mr. Rosen Simitchiev (Energy Expert, Consultant, Bulgartransgaz EAD , Bulgaria ), Mr. Nicolas Gazdov (Chairman of the Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association – BPVA), Ms. Albena Belyanova (General Legal Adviser, Bulgarian Energy Holding), Mr. George Ftikas (Lawyer, KLC LAW Firm, Sofia).

The sponsor of this IENE event was KLC Law Firm, while the “Outlook” Study sponsors and supporters included PPC SA, Sencap A.E., EGL, DEPA SA, Hellenic Gas Transmission Operator SA (DESFA), Terna Energy SA and Protergia SA.

The “Outlook” study publication will be available from June 27 and can be ordered from the Institute’s offices and via IENE’s website (

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