Oil, Guns and Candy Floss: Don't Expect Business as Usual in Libya, Yet

Oil, Guns and Candy Floss: Dont Expect Business as Usual in Libya, Yet
Δευ, 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011 - 15:25
A message to foreign oil companies eager to pump Libyan oil again: don't expect business as usual just yet. But once the war-torn nation puts its act together, expect a roaring oil tiger. Neither totally at war nor really at peace, Libya still faces an uphill struggle to ramp up its production back to 1.6 million barrels a day--and to bring Africa's largest oil reserves to European consumers
A message to foreign oil companies eager to pump Libyan oil again: don't expect business as usual just yet. But once the war-torn nation puts its act together, expect a roaring oil tiger.

Neither totally at war nor really at peace, Libya still faces an uphill struggle to ramp up its production back to 1.6 million barrels a day--and to bring Africa's largest oil reserves to European consumers.

In Tripoli, Martyrs' Square--the emblem of the revolution that toppled Moammar Gadhafi last month--best encapsulates the transition the oil-rich country is facing after his fall.

On a Thursday evening the square is a surreal cross between family fairground and war zone: mothers push prams, and there is candy floss and bouncy castles. Also, pick-up trucks with mounted machine guns cruise around, Kalashnikovs burst in celebration and out of the blue, a man in djellaba pulls a gun out of his pocket and casually fires in the air.

A quick visit to the offices of BP, in a leafy neighborhood of Tripoli, confirms this unsettled atmosphere. In 2007, the British oil giant clinched its largest oil exploration commitment anywhere in the world by pledging to invest $900 million in Libya. Yet today, don't expect a manicured secretary at the reception desk. Instead, a young man in greeny-yellow uniform greets the visitor with an intimidating army knife laid in front of him.

With a deadly Texas refinery blast in 2005 and a Gulf of Mexico spill last year, BP is well placed to know of the challenges of operating safely. But it and the other oil companies preparing to return to Libya face an altogether different task--rebooting an already hazardous industry in a volatile environment. For a start, fresh reminders of the conflict are everywhere around oil sites.

The road to the Eastern oil terminal of Brega looks like a scene out of Mad Max--the arid landscape is only punctuated by the charred frames of army tanks. Few cars take the turn to the oil facility and instead, most vehicles are loaded with rebel fighters on their way to Gadhafi's last strongholds. At the oil port, one oil tank has totally collapsed after being bombed and unexploded ordnance can routinely be found at chemical plants.

That means foreign workers--on which the Libyan oil industry relies for many technical skills--won't return en masse anytime soon. As for Libyan oil staff, some are not making their way back to the office. At the local joint-venture of Italy's Eni last week, the human resources department was pulling out the records of a maintenance engineer. Suleiman al-Shatti died earlier in the day fighting Gadhafi loyalists in the desert and the public relations department was now busy printing a poster praising him as a "martyr."

Yet despite the last ditch resistance of Gadhafi loyalists and the mass circulation of weapons, Tripoli feels surprisingly safe. There is nobody going through pockets (picture one minute the same number of AK47s in the hands of the London rioters). Neither is there the sort of descent into mass-scale strife witnessed in Iraq.

Going forward, a democratic, transparent government will likely bring more investment. Until now, Libya has never been able to reach its production target of 3 million barrels a day but that may change once damage has been repaired. With the new government's pledge to avoid corruption, "you will have deals...that will be more profitable," says Mazen Ramadan, a spokesman for the oil and finance ministry. (This article has been posted on The Source, the Wall Street Journal Online's site for European real-time analysis http://blogs.wsj.com/source)

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