Giant Gas Find for Eni in Mozambique

Giant Gas Find for Eni in Mozambique
Upstream Online
Πεμ, 20 Οκτωβρίου 2011 - 15:18
Eni has announced a giant gas discovery at its Mamba South 1 prospect offshore Mozambique. The Area 4 discovery well encountered a total of 212 metres of continuous gas pay in high-quality Oligocene sands, the Italian player said in a statement on Thursday.

Eni has announced a giant gas discovery at its Mamba South 1 prospect offshore Mozambique. The Area 4 discovery well encountered a total of 212 metres of continuous gas pay in high-quality Oligocene sands, the Italian player said in a statement on Thursday.

The well is located in water depths of 1585 metres about 40 km off Cabo Delgado coast in the northern offshore of Mozambique. It will be drilled to reach an expected total depth of around 5000 metres.

After completion of drilling and testing activities, the rig will move to drill the second commitment well, Mamba North 1.

Eni said it believes the discovery could lead to at least 15 trillion cubic feet of gas in place in the Mamba South Area, where the potential of the Tertiary Play will be further drilled and assessed.

“These results exceed pre-drill expectations and confirm the Rovuma Basin as a world-class natural gas province”, the company said.

“The outstanding volume of natural gas discovered will lead to a large scale gas development with a combination of both export to regional and international markets through LNG and supply to the domestic market”, the statement continued.

Eni said the resource potential of the well makes it the largest operated discovery in the Milan-based company’s history, and would open “a new eastern front” in its African activities.

Eni is the operator of Offshore Area 4 with a 70% participating interest. Co-owners in the area are Galp Energia (10%), Kogas (10%) and ENH (10%, carried through the exploration phase).

In 2006 Eni was awarded a licence for the exploration of an offshore area situated in the northern part of Mozambique, some 2,000 kilometres north of the capital of Maputo.

In March, the company announced a revised strategyto spend $50 billion on upstream activitiesover the next four years, including its prospects in Mozambique as well as Togo, Ghana, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Earlier this month U.S. explorer Andarko Petroleum Corporation raised its estimate of the amount of natural gas it has discovered offshore Mozambique by two thirds, lifting hopes that East Africa could become a major gas exporter.

It was unclear from Eni’s statement if the new discovery was an extension of Anadarko'sBarquentine/Windjammer gas findin adjacent Area 1, or if gas would flow to the same LNG plant that Andarko is planning to build.


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