US Warns Iran Against Closing Strait Of Hormuz

US Warns Iran Against Closing Strait Of Hormuz
Πεμ, 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2011 - 19:42
Tensions between Iran and the U.S. rose Wednesday as the U.S. Navy warned it would prevent any attempt to close the strategic Strait of Hormuz, as Iranian officials threatened to do in response to imposing sanctions on its oil exports. A significant supply of the world's energy -- about 15 million barrels of oil per day -- passes through the strait, a narrow passage that connects the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Oman. A disruption of that flow would send the price of oil higher in an already fragile global economy
Tensions between Iran and the U.S. rose Wednesday as the U.S. Navy warned it would prevent any attempt to close the strategic Strait of Hormuz, as Iranian officials threatened to do in response to imposing sanctions on its oil exports.

A significant supply of the world's energy -- about 15 million barrels of oil per day -- passes through the strait, a narrow passage that connects the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Oman. A disruption of that flow would send the price of oil higher in an already fragile global economy.

Several Iranian officials over the past week commented on Iran's capability and willingness to choke off the strait if the West embargoes Iranian oil or takes any other hostile action.

Iranian Navy Admiral Habibollah Sayyari repeated Wednesday that it would be "very easy" for the country's naval forces to shut down the strait. Iran is conducting a 10-day naval exercise in and around the Persian Gulf.

A day earlier, first Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi, said in a speech to Iranian students that "not even a drop of oil will flow through the Persian Gulf" if Iran's oil is embargoed.

"If our enemies in the West start conspiring against us, we'll take strong action to put them in their place," he added.

The U.S., the European Union and key Arab states have intensified discussions in recent weeks about the possibility of imposing an embargo on oil purchases from Iran. The EU is currently deliberating laws blocking such purchases from the country.

President Barack Obama is expected to sign in the coming weeks new legislation preventing any business dealings with Iran's Central Bank, through which Tehran executes most of its oil sales. Congress passed the restrictions Dec. 15 as part of a bill authorizing more than $660 billion in defense spending over the next year.

Iran, the fourth-largest producer of crude oil in the world, has previously threatened to close the strait, both during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s and after the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2005. It has never carried out the threat.

Analysts say it is highly unlikely that Iran would attempt to close the strait because of the dire impact it would have on Iran's own economy -- from both import and export disruptions. The recent rhetoric stems from Iran's leadership feeling pressured by debates on international sanctions and by a weak economy, and wanting to appear powerful in the eyes of the world, analysts say.

"It's an empty threat that would backfire. It would devastate the economy of Iran even if they tried it for a very brief period," said Paul Sullivan, an expert in energy and the Middle East at GeorgetownUniversity in Washington.

U.S. officials said that they don't necessarily consider the most recent threats more serious than previous ones, but that they were highly provocative.

"Any attempt to close the strait will not be tolerated," said George Little, the Pentagon press secretary, on Wednesday. "The strait is an economic lifeline for countries in the gulf, including Iran."

Brent crude Wednesday fell nearly $1.50 to $106.83 a barrel, its lowest level in a week, in the hour after the Fifth Fleet said it wouldn't allow a disruption.

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