EU Expands Iran Sanctions, Signs Off Oil Embargo Text

EU Expands Iran Sanctions, Signs Off Oil Embargo Text
Παρ, 23 Μαρτίου 2012 - 17:14
European Union foreign ministers agreed Friday to add 17 Iranians to its sanctions list for human rights abuses, and also signed off on a legal text that details how they will implement an oil embargo on Iran.
European Union foreign ministers agreed Friday to add 17 Iranians to its sanctions list for human rights abuses, and also signed off on a legal text that details how they will implement an oil embargo on Iran .

The human rights sanctions targets will be subject to a travel ban and asset freeze. The 17 new people take to 78 the total number of Iranians targeted for abuses. Ministers also extended by a year the rights sanctions so they are now valid until
April 13, 2013 .

At a meeting in
Brussels , foreign ministers also agreed a ban on the export of equipment and software to Iran that can be used to monitor or intercept telecommunications.

The list of people to be targeted will be published Saturday in the EU's official journal.

The foreign ministers also signed off on the legal text which will enforce a major broadening of sanctions on
Iran . The EU agreed these in January in reaction to Tehran 's nuclear program.

Among these measures was a ban on Iranian exports of crude oil, sanctions on its central bank and a ban on trade in gold.

The measures come ahead of fresh talks between
Tehran and six major powers on its nuclear program. U.K. Foreign Secretary William Hague said Friday he expected them to begin in "the next few weeks."

The legal text, which took two months to agree and, according to diplomats, runs to 338 pages, was finalized late Thursday after a deal allowing European companies to continue offering insurance on shipments of Iranian oil exports until July 1. That is the date when the full oil embargo comes into effect.

The text will also detail how exemptions to the central bank sanctions will operate. The EU has said it wants to allow legitimate, non-energy-related trade to continue with Iranian firms.

U.S. and some EU member states say Iran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons, a charge Tehran denies.

On his way into the EU meeting on Friday, Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said he hoped a diplomatic solution could be found to the nuclear issue but warned there wouldn't be a "quick solution of the issues."

In comments that seemed aimed at
Israel , Bildt also warned any country against taking action that could derail the talks.

"I sincerely hope that no-one wants to blow up the diplomatic process. That would be an act of international irresponsibility of the first order," he said.

Israeli officials have warned they won't wait a long time before considering military action against
Iran 's nuclear program.

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