Potential U.S. Oil Boom Shakes Up Energy Politics

Potential U.S. Oil Boom Shakes Up Energy Politics
Τρι, 26 Ιουνίου 2012 - 17:02
Energy has already been a key feature of the presidential campaign so far, even if gasoline prices fell from their springtime peak. Barack Obama has given his "all-of-the-above" energy speech all over the place; Mitt Romney has prominently toured the new American oil patch to assail the Obama administration's policies. There's that Solyndra case. And Mr. Romney's own solar push as governor. Political fact-checker types have a macro installed for debunking specious claims about energy
Energy has already been a key feature of the presidential campaign so far, even if gasoline prices fell from their springtime peak.

Barack Obama has given his "all-of-the-above" energy speech all over the place; Mitt Romney has prominently toured the new American oil patch to assail the Obama administration's policies. There's that Solyndra case. And Mr. Romney's own solar push as governor. Political fact-checker types have a macro installed for debunking specious claims about energy.

A new report out Monday from HarvardUniversity's BelferCenter for Science and International Affairs should throw some more gasoline on the fire. Far from the worry over "peak oil" that helped define the 2008 presidential election amid record-high oil prices, the world is practically swimming in the stuff, the report says.

Penned by Leonardo Maugeri, a former executive at Italy's ENI who's spent years arguing that technology will unleash a new wave of oil production, the report offers plenty of ammunition for pro-drilling forces. In a nutshell, thanks to new drilling techniques, once off-limits oil fields in the U.S. could yield millions of barrels of oil a day over the next decade, turning the country in the world's second-largest oil producer.

"The shale/tight oil boom in the United States is not a temporary bubble, but the most important revolution in the oil sector in decades," he wrote. Greater U.S. production of those so-called unconventional oils will spur job creation and boost energy security, the report concludes, though it won't insulate the U.S. from global price swings in the oil market or Middle East problems.

Mr. Maugeri has made many of the same arguments for years. But now, oil-production data is backing him up. The Eagle Ford shale play in Texas, for example, went from zero production to 300,000 barrels a day by December. Other fields have expanded even more dramatically.

It's a stark contrast to the 2008 election, when record-high oil prices and worries about declining oil production in key countries prompted so much angst about the energy future. Republicans coined "Drill, baby, drill," while Mr. Obama championed a broader approach to energy policy that favored renewable energy, electric cars and alternative fuels.

As president, Mr. Obama has embraced some traditional energy production: U.S. oil production has risen on his watch, and is at the highest point in 14 years, and he has embraced the related boom in natural-gas production. But he has also doubled down on clean energy, still hopes to promote more electric cars, and nixed some oil-infrastructure projects, such as the Keystone XL pipeline, that are important to gird the U.S. oil boom.

The Harvard report does offer one area for pro-drilling conservatives and environmentally conscious liberals to come together. Noting that political risk, not geology, is the biggest threat to future oil production, Mr. Maugeri writes: "A revolution in environmental and emission-curbing technologies is required to sustain the development of most unconventional oils--along with a strong enforcement of existing rules. Without such a revolution, a continuous clash between the industry and environmental groups will force the governments to delay or constrain the development of new projects."

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