Weighed Average Import Price of Natural Gas in Greece

Weighed Average Import Price of Natural Gas in Greece
Τρι, 24 Ιουλίου 2012 - 14:15
According to the provisions of the Ministerial Decision No Δ1/Γ/400 (Government Gazette Issue Β’ 33/19.1.2007), entitled «Determination of the procedure applied to collect and process the data required to calculate the weighed average import price of Natural Gas”, the companies importing Natural gas in the National Natural Gas System (NNGS) are required to submit to RAE, every three months, data about the quantities and prices of imported Natural Gas.
According to the provisions of the Ministerial Decision No Δ1/Γ/400 (Government Gazette Issue Β’ 33/19.1.2007), entitled «Determination of the procedure applied to collect and process the data required to calculate the weighed average import price of Natural Gas”, the companies importing Natural gas in the National Natural Gas System (NNGS) are required to submit to RAE, every three months, data about the quantities and prices of imported Natural Gas.


RAE, within the framework of its competence regarding monitoring of the energy market, following the provisions of par. 1 of article 5 in Law 2773/1999, publicized for the first time on 2.8.2011 the data on the calculated weighted average import price (WAIP) of Natural Gas in the NNGS of Greece, on a monthly basis. Publicized data on WAIP prices were the result of calculations performed on the data provided by importers according to the provisions of the aforementioned Ministerial Decision, and for the period of March 2008-March 2011.

The chart below has been updated with the monthly data on WAIP for the period of April 2009-March 2012 and presents the trend of the monthly data on WAIP against the trend of the monthly data on daily price of balancing gas (HTAE), as announced on the internet site of the Transmission System Operator (DESFA).

According to RAE’s Decision No. 1/2012, following DESFA’s proposal, the price of balancing gas procurement, which constitutes the basis for the calculation of the daily price of balancing gas, has changed, starting April 2011. Based on the contract signed by the Operator for procuring balancing gas for the period of 1.4.2011 to 31.12.2011, the price of procuring balancing gas only includes a proportionate charge, which incorporates the fixed amount paid out by the Operator according to the previous regime and which were not taken into account in the calculation of the daily price of balancing gas, but were further distributed to the system’s users as a distinct charge.

Chart of Weighted Average Import Price

* For the purpose of this presentation, just the monthly data for the last three-year period (from April 2009 to March 2012) are presented in the updated chart. For the full set of data, please refer to the Gas Prices Document.

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