Iraq Resumes Kirkuk Oil Flow to Turkey

Iraq Resumes Kirkuk Oil Flow to Turkey
Πεμ, 9 Αυγούστου 2012 - 15:58
Iraq has resumed oil exports from the northern Kirkuk fields to the Mediterranean port of Ceyhan after a halt of three days, two Middle East shipping agents said Thursday.
Iraq has resumed oil exports from the northern Kirkuk fields to the Mediterranean port of Ceyhan after a halt of three days, two Middle East shipping agents said Thursday.
"They have resumed the flow at 1500 local time on Wednesday," a shipper at the Turkish port of Ceyhan told Dow Jones Newswires.
They said the flow was resumed at around 350,000 barrels a day after Turkish authorities repaired damage caused by an explosion at part of the pipeline inside Turkey Monday, blamed on the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party, known as PKK.
One vessel is currently loading with 600,000 barrels at Ceyhan and nine others are waiting at anchorage, the shippers said.

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