Yildiz: TANAP Deal Set to Include Turkmen Gas

Yildiz: TANAP Deal Set to Include Turkmen Gas
Τρι, 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012 - 11:48
The gas pipeline deal signed between Turkey and Azerbaijan last June is set to include Turkmen gas, according to Turkey’s Minister of Energy, Taner Yildiz, visiting the central Asian republic of Turkmenistan.
The gas pipeline deal signed between Turkey and Azerbaijan last June is set to include Turkmen gas, according to Turkey’s Minister of Energy, Taner Yildiz, visiting the central Asian republic of Turkmenistan.

Meeting with Turkmen and Azeri energy ministers and EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettiger is on Yildiz’s schedule in Ashkabat, a gathering which aims to include Turkmen gas to the Trans-Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) project. Primarily designed to carry Azeri gas to Turkey and Europe, TANAP has left the door open to future inclusions as to diversify energy sources feeding Turkey and Europe.

“Turkey remains an integral part of EU’s energy supply..”, Minister Yildiz told reporters about his visit to Turkmenistan, noting that the project envisions Azeribaijan both as a source and a transit country through which Turkmen gas is aimed to be delivered to Turkey and beyond.

Construction of the USD 7 billion pipeline project is to start in 2013, with gas to start flowing through it in 2018.

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