Pressure Piles Up on Bulgaria Govt over Renewable Energy Policy

Pressure Piles Up on Bulgaria Govt over Renewable Energy Policy
Πεμ, 18 Οκτωβρίου 2012 - 16:29
Ambassadors to Sofia of thirteen European states, China and Korea have voiced serious concerns over Bulgaria's government policy on renewable energy. In a letter to Economy and Energy Minister Delyan Dobrev, obtained by the opposition Glasove newspaper, the envoys protest vehemently against the electricity regulator's decision to introduce grid access charges on all operating renewable energy producers, (Sofia News Agency) wrote.
Ambassadors to Sofia of thirteen European states, China and Korea have voiced serious concerns over Bulgaria's government policy on renewable energy. In a letter to Economy and Energy Minister Delyan Dobrev, obtained by the opposition Glasove newspaper, the envoys protest vehemently against the electricity regulator's decision to introduce grid access charges on all operating renewable energy producers, (Sofia News Agency) wrote.

According to them with this decision Bulgaria risks to drive away foreign companies, considering investments in the country in many sectors, not only those dealing with renewable energy.

The ambassadors of the fifteen countries called on Minister Dobrev to immediately undertake steps to restore foreign investors' confidence in Bulgaria.

Their letter comes days after the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Suma Chakrabarti voiced concerns that those charges have been applied retroactively and without any prior consultations with the sector stakeholders.

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