Five Non-binding Offers for the Privatisation of DEPA/DESFA

Five Non-binding Offers for the Privatisation of DEPA/DESFA
Τετ, 7 Νοεμβρίου 2012 - 12:21
Five potential investors have submitted non-binding offers to the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF) for the privatization of natural gas distributor DEPA/DESFA Group.

Five potential investors have submitted non-binding offers to the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF) for the privatization of natural gas distributor DEPA/DESFA Group.

The international tender procedure started on February 29, 2012 . The invitation for non-binding offers was sent to fourteen potential investors who were pre-selected during the first phase. The deadline for the submission of the offers expired on 5 November, 2012 .

The following companies responded to the invitation to submit in writing their offers:

· Gazprom,

· Negusneft,

· Socar,

· the joint venture of M & M GasCo-Mytilineos-Motor Oil, and

· PPF with GEK Terna, which submitted a joint bid.

HRADF’s financial advisors will examine the five submissions and, within the next few days, they will send their recommendations to the HRADF Board of Directors, indicating which candidates meet the selection criteria for the next phase of the tender (binding submission phase).

HRADF’s CEO Yannis Emiris commented on the conclusion of the non-binding tender phase: "We are pleased by the response of the investment community, which has demonstrated its trust in the country and in the prospects of DEPA, despite the difficult economic situation. The number and entity of the submissions received is also a proof of investors’ confidence in our tendering procedures."


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