Berisha: TAP is the Project of the Century

Berisha: TAP is the Project of the Century
Albanian Screen
Τετ, 14 Νοεμβρίου 2012 - 12:36
Trans Adriatic Pipeline is one of the major economic projects that Albania has ever known. Prime Minister Sali Berisha assured that the government he heads will do its utmost to support the TAP project.
Trans Adriatic Pipeline is one of the major economic projects that Albania has ever known. Prime Minister Sali Berisha assured that the government he heads will do its utmost to support the TAP project. The head of the government also stressed the opportunities that our country boasts for gas storage and the country's geographical position to become a energy hub for the region.

"This meeting dedicated to TAP has a great importance for Albania. Albania, according to recent data, has enormous hydrocarbon deposits. It boasts the most convenient geographical position, facing Italy, a gigantic market, with a strait that reminds Giblartar," Prime Minister Sali Berisha said.

During the symposium on the Albanian gas market and the possibilities of gasification, the Ambassador of the European Union, Ettore Sequi, said that TAP project is important not only for Albania but also for the whole of Europe, since it is an important corridor of gas supply.

"We fully support this project, since this project creates a safe corridor for gas supply in Europe. The corridor should be flexible since it will give a great value if it will be as much optimal. Albania should be an active participant in the project and should benefit as much as possible from the activity. I also hope that the idea of storage in Albania will not disappear over time," EU ambassador Sequi said.

The importance of the project was also stressed by TAP's Managing Director Kjetil Tungland, who said that this project will contribute to the process of gasification in Albania.

"The project will have a range of 800 km, and only the Albanian section of TAP pipeline will be 204 km onshore and 60 km offshore in the Albanian section of the Adriatic Sea.
The total value of the project is up to 45 billion dollars and includes 6 countries. The project is a great opportunity for Albania, because the project absorbs Foreign Direct Investments and also implements the gasification of the country and brings about rural development. We will also give our direct contribution in the process of gasification of the country," Tungland said.

The Albanian government - according to the Minister of Economy and Energy Edmond Haxhinasto - will soon start to work on a comprehensive research on the Albanian market and the preparation of a master plan for the gasification.

The symposium, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, was attended by representatives of various companies that have expressed their willingness to cooperate in the project.

The Trans Adriatic Pipeline is a natural gas pipeline project. The pipeline will transport gas from the Caspian region via Greece and Albania and across the Adriatic Sea to southern Italy and further into Western Europe.

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