PGS MultiClient Enters Greece with GeoStreamer GSTM

PGS MultiClient Enters Greece with GeoStreamer GSTM
Πεμ, 22 Νοεμβρίου 2012 - 15:52
Petroleum Geo-Services has started a MC2D campaign in offshore Greece in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change of the Republic of Greece. M/V Nordic Explorer will acquire the marine seismic data and gravity-magnetic data from mid-November 2012 to end-January 2013. The energy minister Evangelos Livieratos visited Nordic Explorer with other ministry
Petroleum Geo-Services has started a MC2D campaign in offshore Greece in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change of the Republic of Greece. M/V Nordic Explorer will acquire the marine seismic data and gravity-magnetic data from mid-November 2012 to end-January 2013. The energy minister Evangelos Livieratos visited Nordic Explorer with other ministry representatives in a pre-survey port call in Patras 11thof November, stating that this data will form the basis for an upcoming license round in 2014. The survey objectives are to understand the regional tectonic structures, identify sedimentary basins and identify petroleum systems and potential prospects.

The regional MC2D survey of around 8,500 line km will cover the western part of Greece from the northern border with Albania to south of Crete. The densest data coverage of 10 km by 10 km will be in the north Ionian Sea. The lines will be oriented in the strike and dip direction to the Ionian thrust and play types from Mesozoic and Tertiary will be covered.


More sparse data coverage is planned in the area between the north Ionian Sea and Crete. Parts of this region have ultra-deep water depths and these lines will be acquired with deeper recording length compared to the rest of the survey.


The Mediterranean ridge and south of Crete area is a frontier area with very limited previous seismic coverage, and will be acquired with a seismic data grid of 40 km by 40 km. The lines are designed to cover the whole area along the Hellenic Trench from the Crete coast to the Mediterranean ridge.


The MC2D seismic survey will tie to 2-3 wells in west Corfu, Patras and Katakolon. Nordic Explorer is equipped with GeoStreamer and GeoSource (GeoStreamer GS) to provide optimum seismic data both in the shallow and deep sections in this under explored area.

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