A Logical Choice: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

A Logical Choice: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Παρ, 23 Νοεμβρίου 2012 - 15:07
The choice of renewable energy and energy efficiency in Europe is logical and mature. There are numerous solutions offered by both that lead to higher economic growth, job creation and energy security as well as better consumer comfort.

The choice of renewable energy and energy efficiency in Europe is logical and mature. There are numerous solutions offered by both that lead to higher economic growth, job creation and energy security as well as better consumer comfort. The only thing missing is a stable political and regulatory framework which could be put in place by fully implementing the renewable energy and energy efficiency directives. Members of Parliaments from the European Union met in the Hellenic Parliament on 23rd and 24th November to discuss those issues at the 12th Inter-Parliamentary Meeting in Athens .

"It is obvious that there are numerous opportunities provided by renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in Greece and the broader Mediterranean area. Therefore investment decisions have to be wise, stable and promising. On the other hand, we, Members of the European Parliament and Members of national parliaments, have to work on the effective implementation of the renewable energy and energy efficiency directives in order to provide security of investment," said EUFORES Vice-President Anni Podimata (MEP Greece, S&D) at the conference.

The European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources (EUFORES) organises this high-level conference on renewable energy and energy efficiency every year in a different parliament in the European Union. For many Members of Parliament from all EU Member States, the Inter-Parliamentary Meeting has become an important platform for discussion where they can exchange their national practices and elaborate on planned policies.

Claude Turmes (MEP Luxembourg, Greens/EFA), EUFORES President, believes that "the policies of European governments play a crucial role as they shape the future energy mix. Retroactive measures in some European countries are very unsettling and undermine investor confidence. This crisis is a window of opportunity to set the right and stable frameworks and this holds true even more for Greece."

Many parliaments from the EU were represented at this renewable energy focused conference where they contributed their long standing experiences. "It is vital for a country to use its own resources - be it sun, wind, water or geothermal heat," said Antonio Leitão Amaro (MP Portugal, PSD). "They represent stable energy sources not dependent on costly gas or uranium deliveries or environmentally disturbing mining. What else if not renewable energy and energy efficiency shall be our main energy choice?" continued Hans-Josef Fell (MP Germany, Buendnis '90/ Die Gruenen).

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