Greek Energy Ministry Announces New Bill on Renewable Energy

Greek Energy Ministry Announces New Bill on Renewable Energy
by Harry Aposporis
Τρι, 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 - 18:04
The Greek energy ministry presented on Monday a new bill about various matters concerning renewable energy, such as the licensing procedure, the use of the electricity grid and the installation of small wind turbines. The bill is subject to public debate from 3 December until 14 December.

The Greek energy ministry presented on Monday a new bill about various matters concerning renewable energy, such as the licensing procedure, the use of the electricity grid and the installation of small wind turbines. The bill is subject to public debate from 3 December until 14 December.

The undersecretary, Makis Papageorgiou, commented that “this bill is the continuation of the various decisions that have been made for the elimination not only of the accumulated debt, but also the persistent distortions which created problems when it comes to the exploitation of renewable forms of energy. The reorganization of the framework for promoting RES ensures the reliability of the system, the continuation of investments and it also creates a healthy investment climate in favor of the final consumer”.

The bill reorganizes the regime for access to the electricity grid by requiring a letter of credit during the licensing procedure. This way, the participants will not be able to hold necessary space in the grid indefinitely.

Furthermore , the bill requires a tariff of 1500 euros per MWh from the holders of a license, after three years have passed from its acquiring.  Lastly, the ministry aims at launching a new special program for the support of small wind turbines, up to 50 KW.

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