Greek Workers Protest Against New Bill Concerning Renewables

Greek Workers Protest Against New Bill Concerning Renewables
by Harry Aposporis
Τετ, 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2012 - 18:12
The people who work for the renewable energy sector in Greece announced today that the new government bill will end all growth for RES and will lead to even further disruptions in the Greek economy.

The people who work for the renewable energy sector in Greece announced today that the new government bill will end all growth for RES and will lead to even further disruptions in the Greek economy.

Last week, the Greek government presented a bill that proposes significant changes for the renewable sector, following the earlier announcement of a controversial special charge that all companies have to pay. According to the new bill, the connection of new projects to the grid will require the submission of financial guarantees. Also, a new charge is set for the holders of a license, after three years have passed without the project being completed.

The workers in the RES sector mentioned that “in August we had the first regulations that put a tombstone on photovoltaics. In November, there was the special charge in all RES technologies and now this unacceptable bill”. Furthermore, they argue that the ministry attempts to forestall the development of small scale wind turbines.

According to them, the result of those regulations will be very negative for the national economy and for the environment. For that reason, they suggest that the bill is pulled off, together with the special charge for renewable energy companies.

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