IENE to Organize Colloquium on «The Arab Spring, Oil Market Implications and the Role of the East Med Hydrocarbon Resources»

IENE to Organize Colloquium on «The Arab Spring, Oil Market Implications and the Role of the East Med Hydrocarbon Resources»
Τετ, 16 Ιανουαρίου 2013 - 15:45
The Institute of Energy for SE Europe (ΙΕΝΕ) is organizing an afternoon colloquium on “The Arab Spring, Oil Market Implications and the role of the East Med Hydrocarbon resources”. The event will take place on January 30, 2013, at the Eugenides Foundation Conference Centre, Faliron, Athens (387, Syngrou Ave.), from 17:00 to 21:00. Following conclusion of the Colloquium, IENE will offer a glass of wine to its guests and will celebrate the New Year

The Institute of Energy for SE Europe (ΙΕΝΕ) is organizing an afternoon colloquium on “The Arab Spring, Oil Market Implications and the role of the East Med Hydrocarbon resources”. The event will take place on January 30, 2013, at the Eugenides Foundation Conference Centre, Faliron, Athens (387, Syngrou Ave.), from 17:00 to 21:00. Following conclusion of the Colloquium, IENE will offer a glass of wine to its guests and will celebrate the New Year.

This IENE event follows the international conference on “The Uprisings in the Arab-Muslim World: Questions of Peace and Stability in the Mediterranean” organized by the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens on December 4-6, 2012, in Athens, chaired by Dr. John Mazis. By organizing this colloquium, IENE aims at providing an overall assessment of the impact that Arab Spring will have on the international oil market and, also, investigating the prospects of the hydrocarbon reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean in conjunction with the long-term requirements of Europe’s energy supply.

Several experts and professionals of the hydrocarbon sector, as well as academics and analysts, will participate in this IENE special event with speeches and presentations. The speakers of the colloquium so far include: Dr. John Desypris, Chairman, IENE, Dr. John Mazis, School of Philosophy, Department of Turkish and Modern Asian Studies, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Mr. Mathios Rigas, CEO, Energean Oil & Gas S.A. , Greece, Mrs. Tereza Fokianou, Member of IENE’s BoD and President & CEO, Flow S.A, Greece, Dr. Constantinos Nikolaou, Petroleum Geologist, Managing Director, Kanergy and Member of IENE’s BoD, Greece, Mr. Constantinos Karayannakos, Director of International Affairs, DEPA S.A., Mr. George Dimitrakopoulos, International Relations Expert, former EP Vice President and former EU Parliament Member, Greece and Mr. Costis Stambolis, Deputy Chairman and Executive Director, IENE.

Participation is free for all members and associates of the Institute, who will have to complete a registration form that has already been sent to them and send it to IENE offices no later than Monday, January 28, 2013.

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