EU Clears UK GBP600M Green Deal Aid for Energy Efficiency

EU Clears UK GBP600M Green Deal Aid for Energy Efficiency
Τρι, 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2013 - 18:13
The European Union's antitrust authorities cleared Tuesday the 600 million pound ($943 million) aid that the U.K. is giving to private companies to boost investments and improve the energy efficiency of buildings.
The European Union's antitrust authorities cleared Tuesday the 600 million pound ($943 million) aid that the U.K. is giving to private companies to boost investments and improve the energy efficiency of buildings.

"The Commission has found that the scheme is aimed at an objective of common interest, namely improving energy efficiency, and that it is well-designed, making a significant contribution towards delivering this objective," the European Commission said in a statement.

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