PPC Renewables Announces Three New Tenders for the 50 MW PV Plant in Megalopoli

PPC Renewables Announces Three New Tenders for the 50 MW PV Plant in Megalopoli
Τετ, 6 Φεβρουαρίου 2013 - 13:38
PPC Renewables, the branch of Greek utility PPC, for the development of renewable energy projects, announced yesterday three new tenders for the 50MW photovoltaic project of Megalopoli.

PPC Renewables, the branch of Greek utility PPC, for the development of renewable energy projects, announced yesterday three new tenders for the 50MW photovoltaic project of Megalopoli .

The previous tender had been abandoned in 2012 and now, PPC Renewables has decided to split it into three separate tenders, in order to attract investors easier. The company has acquired a permit from the Greek energy regulator that provides the PV project a high tariff, but this will only last until October, 2013 and that is why no time can be lost in the new tendering process.

The three separate tenders are for the supply of the equipment, the construction and the two substations of the project . The separation of the tendering process is important because it allows for the division of cost, which proved fatal for the first tender last year.

The budget for the equipment tender is 47 mil. euros and will be covered by the concessionaire, the budget for the construction is 19 mil. euros and for the two substations is 4,5 mil. euros and they will be covered by PPC Renewables. The deadline for proposals submission is the 20th of March.

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