Greece’s Minister of Maritime to Open IENE’s «Energy and Shipping» International Seminar on March 6, 2013

Greece’s Minister of Maritime to Open IENE’s «Energy and Shipping» International Seminar on March 6, 2013
Παρ, 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2013 - 18:03
Focusing on the rising interconnection of maritime transport and energy commodities, as well as on the promising prospects for the transportation of energy cargoes by the Greek merchant fleet, IENE is organizing its 2nd International Seminar on «Energy and Shipping» on March 6, 2013, at the Eugenides Foundation Conference Centre (387, Syngrou Ave.) in Athens. This year’s Seminar is held under the auspices of the Greek Chapter of the “International Chamber of Commerce – Hellas”, while Greece's Minister of Maritime and the Aegean, Mr. Kostis Moussouroulis, will be the keynote speaker, signalling his government’s interest of this crucial sector for the country’s economy

Focusing on the rising interconnection of maritime transport and energy commodities, as well as on the promising prospects for the transportation of energy cargoes by the Greek merchant fleet , IENE is organizing its 2nd International Seminar on «Energy and Shipping» on March 6, 2013, at the Eugenides Foundation Conference Centre (387, Syngrou Ave.) in Athens. This year’s Seminar is held under the auspices of the Greek Chapter of the “International Chamber of Commerce – Hellas”, while Greece's Minister of Maritime and the Aegean, Mr. Kostis Moussouroulis, will be the keynote speaker, signalling his government’s interest of this crucial sector for the country’s economy.

Moreover, several other speakers have already confirmed their participation at this IENE seminar including Mr. George Gratsos, President of the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping, Mr. Nicolas A. Vernicos, President of ICC Hellas, Prof. Harilaos Psaraftis, School of Naval Architecture & Marine Eng., Division of Ship Design & Maritime Transport, National Technical University of Athens, Prof. Andreas G. Merikas, Managing Director-Shipping Division of First Business Bank and Chairman, Dpt. of Maritime Studies & Chairman of the Maritime Financial Management Lab (University of Piraeus), Mr. George Prokopiou, Chairman, Dynacom Tankers Management Ltd, Mr. Steve Christy, Director, Gibson Shipping Energy, London, U.K., Mr. Christian Krohn-Hansen , Chartering Manager of StealthGas Inc., the Vice Chairman & Deputy CEO, Public Gas Corporation of Greece S.A. (DEPA) Mr. Spyros Paleoyannis, Mr. George Polychroniou, Division Head, Strategy & Corporate Development of DEPA, Mr. Georgios M. Teriakidis, Marketing Business Development Manager, Regional Office East Med., Black & Caspian Seas, Det Norske Veritas, Athens, Ms. Anthi Miliou, RIC, Hellenic Lloyd's S.A., Dr. Konstantinos Gkonis, Shipping Energy Advisor, LNG Research, Barry Rogliano Salles Shipbrokers, Paris, France, Mr. George Koutinas, Insurance Expert, Koutinas S.A. and Mr. Costis Stambolis, Executive Director, IENE.

This year’s «Energy and Shipping» International Seminar is focusing on:

  • Energy cargoes and shipping
  • Operations, technologies and special vessels (LNG, LPG, FSRU)
  • Overview of the global oil and gas markets - implications for shipping
  • Financing and insurance

Today, a large segment of global maritime activity is dedicated to the transportation of fuel resources, such as crude oil, oil products, liquefied natural gas (LNG), special freight (LPG), traditional hard coal, as well as more sophisticated materials such as enriched uranium. It is worth noting that on certain routes (e.g. China - North America, China-Europe) the overwhelming majority of energy trade is conducted by Greek owned vessels. Since energy freighting offers a profitable opportunity for the Greek merchant fleet, the seminar’s invited speakers will analyse the various aspects and prospects of the sector and, also, identify investments opportunities.

IENE’s 2nd “Energy and Shipping” International Seminar will conclude with a round table discussion on the importance of maritime energy transportation and its role in securing many countries' energy sufficiency and, by extension, to the world economy.

The seminar is sponsored by Prime Marine Corporation, whereas the event’s media partners include the daily “ Kathimerini’, “ SeeNews”, “ Maritime Economy”, as well as the website.

For the full programme and registration form, please click on the special banner on

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