Bulgaria Parliament Readies Power Price Cuts to Soothe Anger

Bulgaria Parliament Readies Power Price Cuts to Soothe Anger
Τετ, 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2013 - 19:15
Bulgaria's parliament moved to cut electricity prices on Wednesday, an attempt to defuse public anger that forced the government out which risked undermining attempts to keep the economy on an even keel. Adding to a sense of political limbo the European Union's poorest state, outgoing Prime Minister Boiko Borisov has been hospitalized with high blood pressure, before an interim government is appointed to take the country to early elections

Bulgaria's parliament moved to cut electricity prices on Wednesday, an attempt to defuse public anger that forced the government out which risked undermining attempts to keep the economy on an even keel.

Adding to a sense of political limbo the European Union's poorest state, outgoing Prime Minister Boiko Borisov has been hospitalized with high blood pressure, before an interim government is appointed to take the country to early elections.

After demonstrators angry at high electricity prices attacked power company offices and three people set themselves on fire, parliament passed a law that will allow electricity prices to be cut by eight percent from March.

That will further hurt electricity distributors - Czech companies CEZ and Energo-Pro and Austria's EVN - which are already the focus of protesters' ire.

"The situation is tragic. We need a radical a change - people took to the streets due to total misery," said Sergei Stanishev, leader of the opposition Socialists (BSP).

Borisov - a former bodyguard to communist dictator Todor Zhivkov - resigned last week after two weeks of sometimes violent protests by tens of thousands accusing the government of being a "Mafia" due to rampant corruption and its failure to improve living standards.

Austerity has been relatively mild compared with some European countries - salaries and pensions were frozen rather than cut - but many people are angry that after joining the EU in 2007, Bulgaria seems to have made little progress.

Borisov's departure has failed to fully calm voters in a country where the average monthly wage is 400 euros ($520) and pensions less than half that. Demonstrations have continued on a smaller scale though large protests are planned for the weekend.

Other parties have declined to try to form a new government, meaning Borisov remains in office until an interim government is appointed, probably next week, which will take Bulgaria to elections expected in May.

Hospital officials said Borisov was admitted with hypertension earlier this week, but should be discharged later in the day. A cabinet meeting due on Wednesday was postponed due the prime minister's absence.

Borisov's GERB party is now running neck-and-neck with the BSP and neither is expected to win a majority. Whichever coalition forms a government, it will be under significant pressure to spend more.


Borisov has maintained tight fiscal discipline and brought the budget gap down to 0.5 percent of gross domestic product, important to maintain a currency peg to the euro.

But living standards remain less than half the EU average and public anger spilled over when bills for electricity, which many people use for heating, suddenly rose in cold weather.

Parliament changed the law to allow regulators to change prices more often than the current once a year, in a move that would allow a cut promised by Borisov a day before he resigned.

The government's concessions mean the next administration will be under pressure to further loosen the purse strings - risky for Bulgaria as it needs to keep its debt and deficits low to maintain confidence in its currency peg to the euro.

Cutting electricity prices will hurt the distributors and the government will lose sales tax revenue, and may deter other foreign investors by sending a message about the risks of doing business in Bulgaria.

Borisov has risked a diplomatic row with the Czech Republic and EU by threatening to withdraw CEZ's license and prosecutors are investigating of the companies' prices and any other possible malpractice.

The opposition BSP is the successor party to the communists and its track record - having overseen a credit bubble that burst in 2009 and plunged the country into recession - may worry some investors.

The economy is only slowly recovering, with growth of about 1.4 percent expected this year, which does little to raise living standards.

"We need some new faces that have the energy and desire to revive the current parties," said Konstantin Haralampiev, 47, an entrepreneur in Sofia.

($1 = 0.7649 euros)


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