ENTSO-E Announces Upgrade in the Transfer of Electricity From Turkey to Europe and Vice-Versa

ENTSO-E Announces Upgrade in the Transfer of Electricity From Turkey to Europe and Vice-Versa
Τρι, 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2013 - 17:09
The ENTSO-E Regional Group Continental Europe at its plenary meeting of 17th April 2013 has decided the increase of the transfer capacity to/from Turkey as follows:

The ENTSO-E Regional Group Continental Europe at its plenary meeting of 17th April 2013 has decided the increase of the transfer capacity to/from Turkey as follows:


Current (old) Capacities

New Capacities

Turkey importing from CESA

400 MW

550 MW

Turkey exporting to CESA

300 MW

400 MW


Conditions for implementing above new values of transfer capacities are:
a) Increase the overload protection settings of the two tie lines from Bulgaria
b) Implementation of a new function in the Special Protection Scheme (SPS) at Hamitabat S/S in Turkey
See also

Said capacities shall be allocated at the borders Bulgaria Turkey and Greece Turkey at a rate of 2/3 and 1/3 respectively, as also done in the past.

Since the implementation of the new function in the SPS in
Turkey is expected to be installed and tested by the first two weeks of June 2013, the monthly auctions for the month of June 2013 will be done with current (old) capacities as of the table above.

As soon as the implementation and testing of the new function of the SPS in
Turkey is completed, daily auctions will be done for the remaining days of June, for additional available capacities by the Bulgarian and Greek TSOs, for their respective capacity volume increase.

According to the current time schedule, the new increased capacities will be available through monthly auctions for the month of July 2013. Market participants will be informed accordingly by a new announcement at the sites of the involved TSOs.

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