Bulgarian Electric Mobility Companies Seek Quick Expansion of Charger Network

Bulgarian Electric Mobility Companies Seek Quick Expansion of Charger Network
Πεμ, 6 Ιουνίου 2013 - 16:25
Bulgaria's organization of electric mobility stakeholders Electric Vehicles Industrial Cluster (EVIC) said it has launched a project for setting up a nationwide network of sale, support and charging points for electric vehicles.

Bulgaria's organization of electric mobility stakeholders Electric Vehicles Industrial Cluster (EVIC) said it has launched a project for setting up a nationwide network of sale, support and charging points for electric vehicles.

The lack of suitable infrastructure is stalling the market share of electric cars, not only in Bulgaria, but in the EU too, EVIC said. EVIC's members are companies, organizations and experts operating in the field of electric mobility.

The organization estimates that by 2025 there will be nearly 200,000 electric vehicles on the roads in Bulgaria.

According to an EC directive, voted in January 2013, Bulgaria is to have at least 69,000 charging points by 2020, 10% of which for public use. Currently there are 20 public charging columns in Bulgaria.

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