Turkish Lira Falls to Weakest Level Versus Euro Since November 2011

Turkish Lira Falls to Weakest Level Versus Euro Since November 2011
Πεμ, 6 Ιουνίου 2013 - 18:42
The Turkish lira slid to its weakest level against the euro since November 2011 as the euro broadly strengthened versus its rivals.
The Turkish lira slid to its weakest level against the euro since November 2011 as the euro broadly strengthened versus its rivals.

The lira has been under pressure in recent sessions against both the dollar and euro on the back of antigovernment protests. In addition, the euro was broadly stronger Thursday after the European Central Bank kept rates on hold and didn't signal any monetary policy easing.

The euro rose more than 0.5% to trade as high as TRY2.4933 against the lira, from TRY2.4785 the previous session, according to CQG.

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