PGS Releases First Data Sets Ahead of Licensing Round in Greece

PGS Releases First Data Sets Ahead of Licensing Round in Greece
Πεμ, 4 Ιουλίου 2013 - 12:26
PGS has acquired 2D MultiClient data in Western and Southern offshore Greece for the Hellenic Republic Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change ( and the first fast-track datasets are now available. Seismic data including marine gravity and magnetic data can be obtained by contacting the PGS MultiClient team at [email protected].
PGS has acquired 2D MultiClient data in Western and Southern offshore Greece for the Hellenic Republic Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change ( and the first fast-track datasets are now available. Seismic data including marine gravity and magnetic data can be obtained by contacting the PGS MultiClient team at [email protected].

The area has been overlooked until recently, but given the excitement and promise of other Mediterranean plays, the offshore area that is the subject of the upcoming licensing round shows great potential. The objectives of the acquisition program are to improve understanding of regional structure and depositional basins and identify petroleum systems in advance of the license round in Greece, scheduled for mid-2014. The program comprised 12,500 km of new data acquisition using GeoStreamer GS™, a unique acquisition technology that removes both receiver and source ghosts. Data available also includes 6,000 line km vintage data re-processing that will be combined into a regional interpretation.

In addition to some long offset and long record length lines that extend out onto the abyssal plain, the main focus of the PGS MultiClient acquisition programme is on three areas. The northern area is a grid of lines in the Ionian Sea over the Pre-Apulian zone. This zone is an extension of the Southern Adriatic carbonate platform with Late Cretaceous – Eocene carbonates overlain by a thick Oligocene shale seal and Mio-Pliocene clastics on top. These are analogous to the productive fractured carbonate reservoirs of the central Adriatic to the north offshore Italy and Albania. To the south, there is a loose grid of lines around the Katakolon discovery. This area is in the Ionian zone that is analogous to the oilfields onshore Albania. Drilling throughout this zone stopped at or before the Triassic evaporates and these are overlain by thick Mesozoic carbonates and Tertiary clastics. Imaging here will focus on the Eocene to Cretaceous analogues for Katakolon and the Triassic evaporates that hold potential with halite, gypsum, and anhydrite interbedded with dolomites and thin organic rich shales. South of Crete the grid of lines will among others reveal the Neogene accretionary wedge that forms the Mediterranean ridge and the extent, thickness and continuity of the Messinian evaporate coverage.

The processing is ongoing and is estimated to complete December 2013/January 2014. Fast-track PSTM lines representing each of the different areas are now available in our data rooms for viewing.
PGS’s MultiClient data library in the in the Mediterranean also includes data from Cyprus, Lebanon, and Sicily. Total MultiClient data for this area includes over 40,000 line km of 2D MultiClient data and over 10,500 sq km of 3D MultiClient data.

For more information about the PGS MultiClient library in the Mediterranean region, please contact us at: [email protected]. To contact the PGS MultiClient team about other regions our data covers around the world, please contact: [email protected] or visit our website at MultiClient Library.

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