China Oil Data Show End-June Crude-Oil Stocks Down 1.42% on Month

China Oil Data Show End-June Crude-Oil Stocks Down 1.42% on Month
Τρι, 23 Ιουλίου 2013 - 19:01
China's commercial crude-oil stocks fell 1.42% in June from May, the official Xinhua news agency said Tuesday in its fortnightly Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals newsletter.
China 's commercial crude-oil stocks fell 1.42% in June from May, the official Xinhua news agency said Tuesday in its fortnightly Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals newsletter.

Commercial diesel stocks rose 2.77%, gasoline stocks rose 1.45% and kerosene stocks rose 1.25%. Overall oil-product stocks rose 2.09%.

The agency didn't provide volumes of either crude oil or refined products held in commercial reserves.

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