53 Companies and Business and Investor Associations Call for ETS Reform Legislation

53 Companies and Business and Investor Associations Call for ETS Reform Legislation
Παρ, 25 Οκτωβρίου 2013 - 13:07
EURELECTRIC, together with 51 European companies and business and investor associations, has called on the European Commission to bring forward by the end of the year draft legislation for a structural reform of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). A clear carbon price signal and long-term visibility are essential to drive investments and growth, they said in an open letter to European Commission President Barroso, published today.

EURELECTRIC, together with 51 European companies and business and investor associations, has called on the European Commission to bring forward by the end of the year draft legislation for a structural reform of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). A clear carbon price signal and long-term visibility are essential to drive investments and growth, they said in an open letter to European Commission President Barroso, published today.

Dear Commission President Barroso,
We are 53 companies and business and investor associations, together representing more than 1.5
million jobs in a wide spectrum of sectors including energy, finance, transport, construction,
machinery, telecoms, and commerce.
A clear carbon price signal and long-term visibility are essential to drive investments and growth. We
therefore call on the Commission to bring forward draft legislation for ETS structural reform by the
end of the year, in order that the EU-ETS can deliver in line with the EU's long-term decarbonisation
goal and remains a central climate policy instrument. We also call on the Commission and the Ministers to work together for early agreement on an EU 2030 Climate and Energy Framework.
Yours sincerely, 3M, Acciona, Aldersgate Group, Alstom, Ansaldo Caldaie, Areva, Aviva Investors, Carbon Capture and Storage Association, CEZ, Climate Change Capital, Climate Markets and Investment Association, Danish Energy Association, Deutsche Telekom, Die Bahn, Doosan, DONG Energy, DRF, Électricité de France (EDF), EnBW, Eneco, Enel SpA, EnergieNederland, EnergiNorge, Energy UK, E.ON, EU Corporate Leaders Group (EUCLG), EURELECTRIC, EUTurbines, EWE, Fortum, Gasterra, GDF SUEZ, KDF Energy, Iberdrola, IETA, Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), Kamstrup, M+W Group, Novozymes, Otto Group, PUMA, Schneider Electric, Schüco, Scottish Widows Investment Partnership, Shell, SSE, Statkraft, Stiftung 2°, Stiftung Schwäbisch Hall, The Climate Group, Velux, Verbund, Xella, Zero Emissions Platform

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