Offshore, Shipping and Cruise: Towards a New Era in Marine Technology

Offshore, Shipping and Cruise: Towards a New Era in Marine Technology
Δευ, 11 Νοεμβρίου 2013 - 14:20
The Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology (H.I.M.T.) is an independent, non-profit organisation, established in 1972, playing since then an active role in Greek shipping. Its mission is to contribute to the advancement of maritime technology, by functioning as a platform of interaction among scientists, technologists, entrepreneurs and the regulators of the field.
The Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology (H.I.M.T.) is an independent, non-profit organisation, established in 1972, playing since then an active role in Greek shipping. Its mission is to contribute to the advancement of maritime technology, by functioning as a platform of interaction among
scientists, technologists, entrepreneurs and the regulators of the field.
For the 7th consecutive year, the Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology organizes its Annual Meeting, a series of events, increasingly regarded as an annual shipping highlight and the national meeting point for Greek maritime technologists. This year's events will take place at the Eugenides Foundation on the 26 - 27 November 2013.
The Conference
A number of high level presentations have already been selected for the regular Conference program, after a thorough peer review process by experts.
Attention has been paid on selecting topics which are of immediate interest to the Greek shipping. In more detail, the paper presentations will address the following issues:
Keynote Speeches:
Thematic Talks:
The Annual Dinner
The formal Annual Dinner of the Institute, which includes also the ceremony of the award of the prestigious prize of H.I.M.T. for the year 2013, will take
place in the evening of the 27th of November 2013 at the Ledra Marriott Athens Hotel*, Syngrou Ave. 115 (opening hour 21:00).
The Exhibition
Parallel to the Conference there will be a small scale exhibition at the Lobby of the Eugenides Foundation. Companies in the field are welcomed to participate in order to promote their corporate image and their range products through promo material, spider stands and anything else considered
appropriate. Exhibitors will also deliver technical presentations in a plenary session in the Conference Hall, concerning specialized technological solutions, which they can offer to the shipping community.
The Media
A well-known newspaper, including its website, is the formal communication media of H.I.M.T.'s Annual Meeting. Important announcements and relevant articles appear also in many Greek shipping media. A wide range of companies and organizations are also kept up-to-date about the planned
events and their results.
The Annual Book of Marine Technology 2013
The BOOK OF MARINE TECHNOLOGY of the H.I.M.T. is an annual publication with original papers on various scientific and technological subjects, editorials on the highlights of marine technology and, in general, subjects connected with the modern and future needs of the Greek marine technology.
The Book is distributed to a) Members of the Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology (managers and companies), Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Entrepreneurs, Managers of the Shipbuilding Industry e.t.c., b) Shipping Companies with technical departments, c) Academic Institutions (Technical Universities, Technological Institutes), d) State Organizations, Hellenic Coastguard, Hellenic Navy General Staff, Ministry of Shipping and Aegean Sea, Ministry of Development, e) Entrepreneurial Organizations, Chambers, Shipowner Unions. Furthermore, it is distributed free of charge to all participants of the Conference.

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