Turkey, Romania Among World's Most Attractive Emerging PV Markets

Turkey, Romania Among Worlds Most Attractive Emerging PV Markets
Πεμ, 30 Ιανουαρίου 2014 - 13:41
Turkey ranked as the world's third most attractive emerging photovoltaic (PV) market, followed by Romania, market researcher IHS said on Wednesday.
Turkey ranked as the world's third most attractive emerging photovoltaic (PV) market, followed by Romania, market researcher IHS said on Wednesday.

"Turkey rounds out the top three emerging markets, the result of conditions conducive to the development of PV including soaring power demand and prices, relatively low country risk and established PV incentives," the market researcher said in a statement upon the publication of the IHS Emerging PV Markets Attractiveness Index for the fourth quarter of 2013. South Africa and Thailand topped the ranking.

An obstacle to Turkey’s growth, however, is the relative immaturity of its solar projects pipeline, with projects larger than 1.0 megawatt (MW) currently at a standstill awaiting the tender of 600 MW of licences.

While IHS sees the potential for the installation of 1.0 gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity in Turkey by 2017, it forecasts a build-out of only 150 MW this year in the country.

“Permitting and grid connection contracts remain the main bottleneck in 2014,” Josefin Berg, senior PV analyst at IHS, said in the statement.

The index ranks the attractiveness of PV markets in emerging countries to investors, developers and manufacturers in four key areas: macroeconomic climate, potential market size, project profitability and pipeline maturity. Among the top five countries in the index, South Africa ranked highest in potential market size, project profitability and pipeline maturity.

Turkey had a score of 45 points out of 100, Romania had 43 points.

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