EBRD Mulls up to 28 mln euro Loan for Power Grid Updates in Kosovo

EBRD Mulls up to 28 mln euro Loan for Power Grid Updates in Kosovo
Τρι, 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2014 - 15:03
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said on Monday it is considering providing a corporate loan of up to 28 million euro ($38.4 million) to Kosovo’s transmission, system and market operator, KOSTT, to finance the upgrade of selected substations and transformers and the strengthening the grid at the 110-kilovolt level.
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said on Monday it is considering providing a corporate loan of up to 28 million euro ($38.4 million) to Kosovo’s transmission, system and market operator, KOSTT, to finance the upgrade of selected substations and transformers and the strengthening the grid at the 110-kilovolt level.

“The project will assist KOSTT in achieving compliance with the N-1 electricity transmission grid security criteria, a key technical requirement of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity,” the EBRD said in a statement on its website.

The total cost of the project is seen at up to 36 million euro.

The N-1 criterion is a rule according to which elements remaining in operation after failure of a single network element - such as transmission line, transformer or generating unit, or in certain instances a busbar - must be capable of accommodating the change of flows in the network caused by that single failure.

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