Greece to Cut Solar Tariffs Retroactively in March

Greece to Cut Solar Tariffs Retroactively in March
by Harry Aposporis
Τρι, 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2014 - 14:05
The Greek Energy Ministry asked RAE, the energy regulator, for one month postponement of the decision to raise the special renewables levy, in an effort to pass compensating legislative measures.

The Greek Energy Ministry asked RAE, the energy regulator, for one month postponement of the decision to raise the special renewables levy, in an effort to pass compensating legislative measures.

The regulator has decided to raise the levy that all consumers pay as part of their electricity bills, by more than 98% from March 1st, because of the ever increasing deficit in the renewables account that LAGIE keeps. The deficit stands at more than 700 million euros at the moment, after repeated efforts by the Greek government to keep it steady. Furthermore, the government is obliged by agreement with the troika to eliminate that deficit by the end of 2014, hence the need for additional measures concerning tariffs for renewable energy.

According to the latest information, the government is going to present its decisions in March and it has decided to retroactively reduce tariffs for photovoltaics by 25% on average. The producers will also have to agree to losing four months of payments from LAGIE and in return, they are going to get an elongation of their contracts and their loans with the banks. The so called "new deal" agreement will be offered in a voluntary basis.

The reception of those decisions by the renewables market in Greece has been mixed. A large part of the producers believes that it is better to get paid reduced tariffs in time, than to wait for 6-7 months for their payments by LAGIE, as it happens now. The rest of them disagree.

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