Greek PPC Offers Electricity Discount to Industries

Greek PPC Offers Electricity Discount to Industries
by Harry Aposporis
Παρ, 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2014 - 13:37
Greek electricity powerhouse, PPC, decided today to offer discounts on the price of electricity it charges to its industrial customers. The company’s general meeting was held today in Athens and the shareholders proposed a 10% reduction in the price for the high voltage market.

Greek electricity powerhouse, PPC, decided today to offer discounts on the price of electricity it charges to its industrial customers. The company’s general meeting was held today in Athens and the shareholders proposed a 10% reduction in the price for the high voltage market.

Furthermore, it was decided to provide a further 10% discount for those industries with a consumption greater than 1000 MWh, as well as a 25% discount for the usage of the so called “A4” rate, which is about night consumption and weekends.

The official announcements have not yet been made, however it seems like the industry can now breathe a sigh of relief, after many months of requesting cheaper electricity from PPC. Together with the discount that DEPA acquired from Gazprom in the price of natural gas, the Greek industry has made a great leap in reducing its energy cost from now on.

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