Power Distributors Face Licence Revokal if They Don't Pay Debts to NEK - Econ Min

Power Distributors Face Licence Revokal if They Dont Pay Debts to NEK - Econ Min
Τρι, 18 Μαρτίου 2014 - 15:16
The power distributors will lose their licences if they fail to repay their debts to the National Electricity Company, NEK, economy minister Dragomir Stoynev said.
The power distributors will lose their licences if they fail to repay their debts to the National Electricity Company, NEK, economy minister Dragomir Stoynev said.

On Friday, the Bulgarian energy regulator said it had been notified by NEK that the outstanding payments of the local power distribution units of Czech companies CEZ and Energo-pro, and of Austria's EVN to the state-owned power utility exceed 318 million levs and urged them to settle those within three working days.

The three companies have said they owe NEK no outstanding payments.

If the three power distributors do not repay their debts to NEK and their licences are cancelled, the state may assume ownership over electricity distribution, Stoynev said, as quoted by the Bulgarian News Agency.

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