Chinese-Swiss JV to Build Solar Park in Bosnia, to Invest 460 mln Euro Initially

Chinese-Swiss JV to Build Solar Park in Bosnia, to Invest 460 mln Euro Initially
Τετ, 26 Μαρτίου 2014 - 12:38
A joint venture of China’s Hareon Solar Technology and Swiss company Prinz Karl Thurn und Taxis Management, Solbus, will build a solar park in the region of Bosnian town Livno, in which 900 million marka ($635 million/460 million euro) will be invested in the first stage of the project, local news agency ONASA said on Monday.
A joint venture of China’s Hareon Solar Technology and Swiss company Prinz Karl Thurn und Taxis Management, Solbus, will build a solar park in the region of Bosnian town Livno, in which 900 million marka ($635 million/460 million euro) will be invested in the first stage of the project, local news agency ONASA said on Monday.

The installed capacity of the park, which will be built under a concession contract at Tusnica, Brda and Caic sites, is set at 450 megawatts (MW), ONASA ( said.

The process of obtaining the necessary permits for the solar park, which will cover an area of 1,000 hectares and will produce 600,000 kilovatthours of electricity per year, is underway.

Details were not provided.

Livno is located in the Muslim-Croat Federation, one of the two entities that form Bosnia. The other is the Serb Republic.

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