Bulgaria’s NPP Reconnects 1,000 MW Unit After Scheduled Repairs

Bulgaria’s NPP Reconnects 1,000 MW Unit After Scheduled Repairs
Τρι, 27 Μαΐου 2014 - 13:02
Bulgaria's sole nuclear power plant (NPP) Kozloduy, on the Danube, has reconnected one of its 1,000 megawatt (MW) units after planned maintenance, the NPP said.
Bulgaria's sole nuclear power plant (NPP) Kozloduy, on the Danube, has reconnected one of its 1,000 megawatt (MW) units after planned maintenance, the NPP said.
Unit 5, which was shut down on April 20, was reconnected to the grid at 1000 local time (0900 CET) on Sunday, Kozloduy said in a notice on Sunday.
During the downtime, the reactor successfully underwent repairsof the equipment and systems and was loaded with fresh fuel, the NPP added.
The plant's other 1,000 MW unit, Unit 6, operates at 100% capacity.
The Kozloduy NPP remained with two operational reactors of 1,000 MW each after the country closed down four units of 440 MW each to address nuclear safety concerns of the European Union prior to its accession to the bloc. Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007. In April 2012 the government decided to add another 1,000 MW unit to the plant.

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