Bulgaria: All Electricity Tenders Should be Cancelled -Source

Bulgaria: All Electricity Tenders Should be Cancelled -Source
Τρι, 24 Ιουνίου 2014 - 12:02
All electricity tenders should be cancelled and no tenders should be organized a month prior to the beginning of the new regulatory period on July 1. These urgent measures have been proposed by three Bulgarian industrial associations – the Bulgarian Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers (BFIEC), the Bulgarian Association of the Metallurgical Industry (BAMI) and the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA), in order to restore the state of equality between electricity export/import advantages for Bulgarian and foreign buyers.
All electricity tenders should be cancelled and no tenders should be organized a month prior to the beginning of the new regulatory period on July 1. These urgent measures have been proposed by three Bulgarian industrial associations – the Bulgarian Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers (BFIEC), the Bulgarian Association of the Metallurgical Industry (BAMI) and the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA), in order to restore the state of equality between electricity export/import advantages for Bulgarian and foreign buyers.
In an open letter addressed to Bulgarian PM Plamen Oresharski and economy and energy minister Dragomir Stoinev, the three associations said that the start of the upcoming regulatory period for electricity needs to be pushed forward with a month, until Aug 1, so that these two conditions could be fulfilled. BFIEC have been vocal supporters of the termination of cross-subsidizing of lower residential electricity prices through higher tariffs.
“Electricity prices for industrial consumers are being artificially inflated with more than 10% despite the decreasing consumption”, BFIEC, BAMI and BIA said, adding that the Bulgarian state should end the preferences for electricity export reports Publics.

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