ESIA for South Stream Bulgarian Offshore Section Shows No Significant Impact

ESIA for South Stream Bulgarian Offshore Section Shows No Significant Impact
Τετ, 30 Ιουλίου 2014 - 12:39
Dutch-based South Stream Transport BV, a joint venture established for the planning, construction and operation of the offshore section of the South Stream gas pipeline through the Black Sea, said on Tuesday the environment and social impact assessment (ESIA) for the Bulgarian sector of the gas pipeline shows that the project will have no significant impact.
Dutch-based South Stream Transport BV, a joint venture established for the planning, construction and operation of the offshore section of the South Stream gas pipeline through the Black Sea, said on Tuesday the environment and social impact assessment (ESIA) for the Bulgarian sector of the gas pipeline shows that the project will have no significant impact.

The Gazprom-spearheaded South Stream pipeline will supply natural gas from Russia to central and southeastern Europe. Its offshore part will run from Russia's Black Sea shore across the Turkish exclusive economic zone to the Bulgarian cost near Varna and will consist of four pipeline strings with annual capacity expected to reach 63 billion cubic metres. Commercial operation is scheduled to start by the end of 2015. The project's future, however, is uncertain as the European Commission has said it runs counter to EU law.

“The ESIA Report confirms earlier findings that construction and operation of the underwater pipeline is not expected to have a significant impact on the Black Sea environment or on the Bulgarian coast where the pipeline comes ashore,” South Stream Transport said in a statement.

The assessment shows that the project will bring some temporary local economic benefits as a result of additional employment opportunities and increased demand for goods and services during construction, it added.

Last month, Bulgaria's government said it halts the construction of the project on its territory until it is aligned to EU law. The Bulgarian authorities had earlier received a letter of formal notice from the European Commission, asking the country to suspend the project's implementation as it runs counter to EU legislation.

In the beginning of the year, the Bulgarian environment ministry approved the environmental impact assessment (EIA) report on the country's offshore section of the South Stream gas pipeline.

The Bulgarian section of the project will be approximately 236 kilometres long. It runs from the border between the Turkish and the Bulgarian exclusive economic zone in the Black Sea, to the landfall in Bulgaria. From there, natural gas will be transported through the country by South Stream Bulgaria AD and further by other joint ventures into Southeast and Central Europe.

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