Bulgaria May Convert Energy Sector Shortfall Into State Debt

Bulgaria May Convert Energy Sector Shortfall Into State Debt
Πεμ, 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014 - 12:07
Bulgaria may convert into state debt the huge shortfall in the country's energy sector, the country’s deputy prime minister said on Wednesday.
Bulgaria may convert into state debt the huge shortfall in the country's energy sector, the country’s deputy prime minister said on Wednesday.

The gap in the energy sector is currently estimated at some 3.0 billion levs ($2.0 billion/1.5 billion euro) and might increase by another 900 million levs over the next 12 months, Ekaterina Zaharieva said, as quoted in a press release of the regional development ministry.

As part of the ongoing emergency measures taken to stabilize the country's energy sector, which has been described as being in near-critical condition, and to increase transparency, the government has set up an energy board, a permanent advisory body to the council of ministersrepresenting all stakeholders.

Earlier on Wednesday Bulgaria’s government appointed a new head and two members of the country's power regulator. Last week the government forced their predecessors to step down as it was dissatisfied with how the watchdog was tackling the problems in the country's energy sector.

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