Romania’s Nuclearelectrica Raises 2014 Net Profit Target by 254.8%

Romania’s Nuclearelectrica Raises 2014 Net Profit Target by 254.8%
Τετ, 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014 - 18:04
Nuclearelectrica, the operator of Romania's sole nuclear power plant Cernavoda, said on Tuesday it has raised its target for this year's net profit by 254.8% to 99 million lei ($29 million/22.4 million euro), as revenues are seen rising faster than costs
Nuclearelectrica, the operator of Romania's sole nuclear power plant Cernavoda, said on Tuesday it has raised its target for this year's net profit by 254.8% to 99 million lei ($29 million/22.4 million euro), as revenues are seen rising faster than costs.

The new estimation for total revenues is 4.9% higher than the previous one, while the expenditures projection is up by a mere 0.3%, the company said in a statement filed with the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

Theincreaseinprojectedrevenuesisbasedonhighersales,ariseinthetransmissiontarrifffortheelectricitybilledtocustomersasofJuly 1,andan increase infinancialrevenues mainly due tofavourableforeign currencyexchange rates.

The gross profit is seen at 124.3 million lei this year, up 213.5% from the previous projection.

Commenting on the announcement, Raiffeisen Bank said in a note to investors: "We see the news as neutral for SNN shares as the budget from early 2014 was excessively pessimistic and recently the company has not ruled out a higher pay-out ratio than the budgeted one."

In 2013 the company posted a record-high net profit of423.4million lei, up from 34.5 million lei a year earlier, reflecting a shift in the management focus from the technical side and production towards financials and profit, the company's CEO Daniela Lulachesaid earlier.

Nuclearelectrica's first-half net profit dropped 69%to 60.4 million leimainly due to a 20% annualdrop in powerprices on competitive marketsand by the impact of a tax on special constructionsintroduced this year.

The Cernavoda plant, located in southeastern Romania, has two reactors of 700 megawatts each, which cover roughly a fifth of the country's power needs.

Blue chip Nuclearelectrica was trading 1.64% higherat 8.07lei by 0957CET on Tuesday.

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